How Cell and Gene Therapy Logistics Can Enhance Scalability And Patient Centricity

Jack Warn
4 min readJul 3, 2023


To succeed in the fast-paced world of cell and gene therapy, logistics must be thoughtfully considered from the start. At every step in the process, medical professionals, scientists, and researchers must use innovative and creative approaches to meet patient needs.

Whether it’s through reaching rural populations or streamlining shipping regulations, there are myriad opportunities to improve scalability and patient centricity. With hard work and dedication from all involved parties, we can move cell and gene therapy forward and accelerate treatments that will revolutionize medicine.

In this blog, we explore how cell and gene therapy logistics can enhance scalability and patient centricity.

What are Cell and Gene Therapy logistics?

The logistics of cell and gene therapy start with the manufacturing process of the cells. These treatments require genetically modified cells, and due to the unique treatment needs of each patient, these cells need to be customized.

The manufacturing process involves growing the cells under sterile conditions, which is a highly regulated process, and the cells are often sent to different countries for further processing.

Once the cells are ready, the logistics of transporting them to the patient become a significant challenge. Cell and gene therapy treatments need to be administered to the patient within a specific time frame, and any delay in the transportation process can affect the efficacy of the treatment.

These treatments are often transported via cryogenic storage, which requires transportation in specialized containers under carefully monitored temperatures. The next stage of the logistics involves the treatment administration.

Most cell and gene therapy treatments are administered via infusion, which requires a specialized infusion center or clinic. These infusion centers need to have trained personnel, specialized equipment, and adequate facilities for administering the treatment. Furthermore, the patients may require continuous monitoring for a specific period after the infusion, which adds additional challenges to the logistics.

Another significant challenge in the logistics of cell and gene therapy is cost management. These treatments involve customized production, transportation, and administration, making them incredibly expensive.

The cost of these treatments is often compared to that of luxury cars and can be prohibitively high for most patients. Furthermore, these therapies require specialist healthcare facilities and may not be widely available in many areas, leading to higher transportation costs for the patients.

The Benefits of Cell and Gene Therapy Logistics

Streamlined and Efficient

When it comes to cell and gene therapy, ensuring the therapy is delivered safely and effectively is essential. From manufacturing to distribution to patient monitoring, each step plays a critical role. That’s why a streamlined and efficient logistics system is key to enhancing scalability and patient centricity.

With a well-planned logistics process, treatments can be manufactured and distributed quickly and efficiently while keeping patient safety at the forefront of the operations. Efficient logistics also translates to more affordable and accessible treatments that can reach patients across the globe.

By implementing a logistics system that addresses every aspect of treatment delivery, cell, and gene therapies can make a greater impact on patients’ lives and improve healthcare outcomes.

Reduced Costs

Cell and gene therapies are set to revolutionize medicine and offer new treatments for a range of conditions that were previously untreatable. However, the logistics of delivering these innovative therapies is complex and require experts in supply chain management to ensure efficient delivery. By employing new technologies and optimizing processes, logistical experts are reducing the costs and wastage associated with these therapies.

Additionally, they are ensuring the safety and efficacy of the therapies by improving packaging and tracking. Ultimately, these logistical advancements are driving patient centricity by ensuring that therapies reach the right patients at the right time.

As cell and gene therapies become more widely available, these logistical enhancements will play a critical role in the scalability of these therapies, helping to bring the benefits of these life-changing treatments to more patients around the world.

Increased Patient Access

Emerging cell and gene therapies hold great promise for patients who suffer from rare and complex diseases, but the logistics of delivering these treatments to patients can pose a challenge. Fortunately, advancements in technology and automation have enabled logistics professionals to streamline the delivery process and enhance patient access.

By implementing tracking systems and automated processes, cells and therapies can be safely transported and prepared in a timely manner. Ultimately, this can lead to improved scalability and patient centricity. As the field of cell and gene therapy continues to evolve, logistics professionals will play a critical role in ensuring that these life-changing treatments reach the patients who need them most.

Enhanced Scalability

The use of cell and gene therapy logistics can also enhance scalability. For example, the use of tracking systems can help to ensure that cells are not lost or damaged during transport, which can allow for larger-scale production of cell therapies.

Additionally, the use of automated systems can help to reduce the amount of time it takes to prepare cell therapies for patients, which can allow for larger-scale production of these treatments.


By understanding the complexity of Cell and Gene Therapy and the tremendous impact they can have, organizations are placing a higher importance on choosing experienced providers to design custom solutions for their own special needs.

BEAM Logistics is ready, willing, and able to create streamlined strategies supported by technology to ensure all of your medical supply chain needs are accommodated with maximum efficiency. With our end-to-end technology platform, we will work together to ensure you get things done right.

Get in touch to find out more about how BEAM Logistics can help revolutionize your Cell and Gene Therapy Logistics.

