Practical vs. Luxury Bathrooms

Jack Warn
2 min readDec 29, 2022

It’s impossible to deny the importance of bathrooms. After all, a single day without a working one is enough to remind us just why it’s considered the most essential room in a home. That being said, each individual has a different taste when it comes to design and style.

This leads to our present conundrum — whether practical or luxurious bathrooms are the better option. Though this choice does depend on preferences, both have their own pros and cons.

That’s why we’ll compare the two styles to help homeowners pick the one that meets their requirements.

Why Are Practical Bathroom Designs Beneficial?

Though the aesthetics of bathroom spaces are important, practical designs can ensure they are highly functional.

A practical bathroom should have bright (but not too harsh) lights and waterproof flooring to ensure the safety of the household. It’s also important to have enough storage space and easily accessible facilities to make your daily routine more convenient.

However, more importantly, practical bathrooms should have surfaces that are unlikely to chip to deteriorate. That’s because durability can ensure you don’t have to spend a fortune maintaining your bathroom.

Advantages of Luxurious Bathrooms

From state-of-the-art furniture to creating a mini spa room, there’s no shortage of ideas to elevate a bathroom. Such spaces can likely increase the value of a property by large numbers. As a matter of fact, luxury bathroom revamps can help you recoup about 60 to 67 percent of ROIs at the time of resale.

However, these spaces are not just advantageous for adding value to a property, but their features also ensure comfort and relaxation. A bathroom with unique design elements is a surefire way to boost your mood and increase overall happiness.

Why You Should Consider Both

Though most people select between practical or luxury designs, it’s not impossible to incorporate both.

For example, adding a luxury tub to the bathroom can be highly practical. That’s because not only are they comfortable, but they can also provide benefits for muscle pain and cardiovascular health. Additionally, they can also help improve sleep in older individuals.

Similarly, opting for reglazing your tubs, cabinets, and tiles can ensure proper bathroom maintenance while elevating its appearance.

If you require top-notch services for bathroom remodeling in NY, consider the experts at Reglazing Plus, Inc. They are a renowned company that offers services for bathtub refinishing and reglazing in New York.

Contact them today if you need bathroom renovations in Brooklyn.

