How to Find Land to Build a House

Jack Williams
6 min readOct 7, 2021


If you are on a hunt to buy new land to build a home on it, you are not alone! According to Port Aransas real estate, more than 800000 home building permits were issued in the United States. While not all the homes were built privately or constructed on land were purchased by the buyer. However, this concept is now becoming increasingly popular and more and more people are opting for this method.

Public health concerns and issues like COVID 19 have made people move out of congested areas and move away from the city and seek open spaces and land to build a house on.

Buying land for sale in Port Aransas TX and building a house on it is technically more feasible. You get to explore plenty of options like where to find the land, how to buy it, and how to build a house on it. Port Aransas Real Estate has provided concise and current information on what it takes to buy a home for sale in Port Aransas and build a house.

Where can you find the land?

When it comes to buying land, the first question you will have will be “where can I find the land?” Based on where you live, you may find the listings on the Port Aransas real estate website where the law and land for sale will be listed or you have the option of directly purchasing the land from the builder.

You can also consult Port Aransas real estate who are specialized professionals in helping the buyers finding land and building a house on it. They utilize their expertise which can help you in the long run and avoid any issues related to your property. So, if you dream of settling and purchasing homes for sale in cinnamon shore, contact them today.

Real estate agents work with buyers who want to purchase land and build a house on it and also with the builders who are in development. While some buyers buy the land and build a house on it, others seek out specific areas and talk to the owners about selling. They often do drive-by of the areas they like and some also reach out to farmers who own large acres of land and are interested in selling it.

North Padre Island is a hotspot area in Port Aransas. So, if you are interested in North Padre island homes for sale, you can drive around and see what you like.

Zoning and other requirements

Once you find the perfect piece of land that you like and want to buy, there are certain things you must consider before purchasing -

You must get the soil tested before you sign the final papers.

You cannot just buy any piece of land and start building your house on it, only to be hit by the water when you will be digging for the foundation.

We also recommend that you review the costs and the zoning laws of the area in Port Aransas where you plan to buy. Some townships do not allow mobile homes. They also have certain square soot requirements. Also, most towns require that you go through their zoning and planning requirements and get the approval to build the house. If you are planning to subdivide the property, you will also have to go through city planning.

The buyers need to keep in mind when looking for lands or houses for sale in Port Aransas that any property they buy will need a septic system and that can be expensive! You will also need to be aware of easements and other things like ponds or creeks on the property. If there is a water body near or on your property, you need to consider if there are any rules related to where the house should be built concerning the water. You may also need to install culverts or divert the water instead.

Financial options and budget

While purchasing raw lands, buyers pay cash for the property. However, there can be other ways of financing via a consumer or an unsecured loan. But, these loans tend to have high-interest rates and so the sensible thing to do will be to out rightly purchase the land.

Mostly, people opt to buy the land in cash. If you plan on hiring a contractor to build the house on the land, they will not do so unless you have the title and ownership of the land. Hence, it makes sense to first clear the payment of the land and get the title and ownership.

People who will be purchasing the land from the builder will get the land subdivided already and are good to go. This gives the option of traditional financing and you will not have to worry about testing the soil. Also, the need to build a septic system and navigate the zoning problems can be avoided.

When we talk about the costs of the property and constructing a house, it can vary widely. This depends on the location, acreage, and the kind of house you want to build.

Building the house

When building a house, a key factor that most people look out for is to have a home that is unique and unlike anybody else’s. Hence, they choose to build the house rather than buying one. If the lots are already subdivided, you will not have to worry about zoning issues or building codes. You can customize your plan and give it to your builder. You can work closely with the builder to ensure that everything is built the way you want it to.

However, before that, you need to give a deposit amount to your builder. You can apply for a construction loan and pay for the build as and when you go.

Will there be any potential pitfalls?

Just like any other real estate transaction, buying land and building a home can have its own set of issues. Anybody who wishes to buy land for building their house must review in detail the builder’s plan. In most cases, the finishes and extras will be pretty basic. But, there surely will be an extra cost if you are on the hunt for something unique. You need to be crystal clear in what you want and make sure that both are on the same page. The duty to understand the contract is yours and no one other than Port Aransas real estate can help you.

Homebuilding is a tedious process and patience is the key here. You also need to be prepared for the delays as the process will take time.

Once you find the land that you like and your home will be built, you need to find people whom you can trust and who will help you walk through the process. Working with Port Aransas real estate will be helpful for you because they will know exactly everything that will be involved.

Get the help

Buying land to build a house is a good idea. You will be doing something that will be benefiting you and your family in the long run. There are a ton of factors to keep in mind when buying land. Hence, make sure you consider them before you find one.

If you need help in purchasing the land and building your house, the team at Coastal Homes, Port Aransas real estate will help you navigate the tricky waters of buying the land. They will help you with all the aspects involved in the purchase right from finding what you need to negotiate the best price for you.

Give them a call today and let their experts be at your service.



Jack Williams

Working as a real estate agent at Port Aransas Realty. We are the most preferred realtors in Port Aransas. Visit our website to know more.