The Ultimate Guide to Growing Brussel Sprouts in Texas

6 min readDec 29, 2023


how to grow brussel sprouts in texas?


Brussel sprouts are also known as mini cabbages, which are a popular vegetable. Brussel sprouts may seem like a vegetable better suited for cold climates. They can actually thrive in the hot weather of Texas. We will outline the steps on how to grow brussel sprouts in Texas.

Choosing the Right Varieties for Texas

1. Cold-Tolerant Varieties

Texas winters can be unpredictable, with temperatures dropping below freezing at times. For this reason, choose cold-tolerant varieties that can withstand frost and chilly weather. Some recommended options include Jade Cross and Red Ball Express brussel sprouts.

2. Recommended Hybrid Varieties

Hybrid varieties are specifically bred to have desirable traits. For example, heat and drought tolerance. Some recommended hybrid varieties for Texas include Long Island Improved and Hestia brussel sprouts.

3. Considerations for Texas Climate

You should consider other factors related to Texas’ climate. For instance, the state’s hot summers can cause bolting in brussel sprouts. They will produce flowers and seeds instead of edible sprouts. Plant varieties with shorter growing cycles to prevent this. You can also provide shade during the hottest part of the day.

Planning and Preparing the Garden

1. Selecting the Right Location

When choosing a location for your brussel sprouts, select an area with full sun for 6–8 hours a day. Brussel sprouts require plenty of sunlight to grow and develop properly.

2. Soil Preparation Tips

The soil in Texas tends to be more alkaline. This is not the ideal growing conditions for brussel sprouts. Therefore, you should prepare your soil before planting brussel sprouts in Texas.

Test your soil to determine its pH level and nutrient content. You can send a sample of your soil to a local agricultural extension office or use a home testing kit.

Based on the results of your soil test, you may need to add specific amendments to adjust the pH level and provide necessary nutrients for your brussel sprouts. Organic matters are common amendments. For example, compost or manure. You should use sulfur to lower the pH level.

3. Container Gardening for Limited Space

If you have limited space in your garden or live in an urban area, consider growing brussel sprouts in containers. Make sure to use a well-draining potting mix. Choose a container that is at least 12 inches deep. For example, a 15 gallon pot can accommodate the long root system.

How to Grow Brussel Sprouts in Texas?

1. When to Plant Brussel Sprouts in Texas?

Brussel sprouts are a cool-season crop. In Texas, you can plant them in the fall. For fall planting, sow seeds directly into the ground around mid-August to early September.

2. Spacing and Planting Depth

Brussel sprouts require at least 18 inches of space between each plant for proper growth. Plant them in well-draining soil rich in organic matter.

The ideal planting depth is about 1/2 inch deep. But make sure the base of the stem is slightly above ground level. This can prevent root rot.

3. Tips for Transplanting Seedlings

If you are transplanting seedlings, harden them off first by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions. Place them outdoors for a few hours each day. Increase the time over the course of a week.

When transplanting, handle the seedlings carefully. Make sure to plant them at the same level as they were in their original container.

4. Companion Plants for Brussel Sprouts

Companion planting can help improve the health and yield of your brussel sprouts. Herbs can repel pest. For example, thyme, oregano, and sage. Vegetables can create a friendly environment for beneficial insects. For example, peas, beans, and tomatoes. Flowers can attract pollinators and deter harmful pests. For example, marigolds and nasturtiums.

Essential Care and Maintenance

1. Watering Guidelines

Brussel sprouts require consistent moisture to grow and produce healthy crops. In Texas, the summers are hot and dry. You should water your plants regularly. The best time is early in the morning or late in the evening. The plants will absorb moisture before the heat of the day sets in.

2. Fertilization for Texas Soil

Texas soil can vary greatly in its nutrient content. So conduct a soil test before growing brussel sprouts in Texas. Determine the specific fertilization needs for your brussel sprouts. In general, organic fertilizers are recommended. They can improve soil health and provide slow-release nutrients over time.

3. Mulching for Moisture Retention

Mulching can retain moisture in the soil and reduce weed growth. Organic materials are great mulch options. For example, straw, grass clippings, or leaves.

4. Pest Control Strategies

Brussel sprouts are susceptible to a variety of pests. The hot climate can attract insects and other pests. They will damage your plants if left unchecked. Aphids, cabbage worms, flea beetles are common pests.

Regularly inspect your plants to combat these pests. Remove any infested leaves or insects. Implement organic pest control methods can also keep these pests at bay.

5. Organic Pest Control Methods

Instead of using harsh chemicals, consider trying organic pest control methods to protect your brussel sprouts. These methods are better for the environment. Introduce ladybugs or lacewings to your garden which feed on aphids. Plant herbs nearby to repel cabbage worms. For example, rosemary, thyme and oregano. Use floating row covers over your plants to prevent flea beetles from feeding.

Navigating Texas Weather Challenges

1. Protecting Brussel Sprouts from Heat

During the hot summer months, brussel sprouts can suffer from heat stress. This can cause them to wilt and even stop producing. Provide enough shade for your plastic pots. You should plant them near taller plants or use a shade cloth.

2. Preparing for Unpredictable Weather

Texas weather can change quickly. So you should prepare for anything. Pay attention to the forecast. Cover your plants with a lightweight cloth or plastic sheeting if there is a sudden drop in temperature or heavy rain. This will protect them from damage. They will continue thriving.

3. Frost Protection Tips for Winter Months

When winter arrives, brussel sprouts can handle colder temperatures. But they are not immune to frost damage. Cover your plants with a frost cloth or blanket if temperatures drop below freezing. Add mulch around the base of the plant, which helps insulate the roots.

Harvesting and Storage Tips

1. Determining the Right Harvest Time

Harvest brussels sprouts when they are firm, bright green, and about the size of a golf ball. Generally, they are ready for harvest around 90–100 days after planting.

2. Proper Harvesting Techniques

To harvest Brussels sprouts, use a sharp knife or garden scissors to cut off the stem just above the sprout. Be sure not to damage the plant or surrounding leaves. Harvest them in the morning before the sun has fully risen to avoid wilting.

3. Storing Brussels Sprouts for Extended Freshness

You can store brussels sprouts in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 3–4 days. For longer storage, blanch them by boiling for 3–5 minutes. Then, immediately place them in an ice bath. Once cooled, you can store them in the freezer for one year.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

1. Identifying Nutrient Deficiencies

Plants require a balanced amount of nutrients to grow and thrive. Texas soil may lack specific essential elements. Look for visual cues to identify nutrient deficiencies. For example, yellowing or discolored leaves, stunted growth, or wilting plants. You can use organic fertilizers or amend the soil with compost.

2. Dealing with Disease Challenges

Some common diseases include clubroot, black rot, and downy mildew. These diseases can damage your plants if left untreated. You should rotate your crops. Provide adequate spacing between plants. Remove any infected plants promptly. Using disease-resistant varieties can also help prevent these problems.


Patience and attention to detail are key when growing brussel sprouts in Texas. While the climate may not be ideal, with proper care and management, you can still achieve great results.




I'm a horticulture specialist, my job is to give objective, evidence-based recommendations to help home gardeners.