Jacob Glick Discusses the IVF “Peak Twins” Phenomenon

Jacob Glick
2 min readApr 4, 2021


Entrepreneur Jacob Glick has a very personal affinity for in vitro fertilization since he and his wife used IVF to help them have their second child.

More twins are being born than ever before, largely due to the rising success of assisted reproduction techniques such as in vitro fertilization. About 1.6 million twins are now born each year worldwide. This is a 33% increase over the 1980s when just 12 out of every 1,000 deliveries included twins. Jacob Glick has been fascinated by this growing trend.

Jacob Glick Discusses the Concept of Peak Twins

The term “peak twins” describes the phenomena of more multiple births influenced by fertility treatments, particularly in North America and Europe. Experts in the field are now trying to refine fertility treatments to improve viability, eliminating the need for transplanting multiple fertilized eggs to ensure that at least one matures to full term.

Jacob Glick is happy that he and his wife could welcome their daughter, thanks to successful IVF treatments. He can’t imagine having twins, triplets or even higher multiples. Although he realizes that assisted reproduction is an unusual way to conceive, he and his wife have always done things unconventionally — the couple were married in a French Quarter wedding chapel in New Orleans.

IVF researchers believe that the current high rate of twins could represent a historic high. Growing awareness in the assisted reproductive community encourages practitioners and clients alike to make conservative decisions when it comes to implanting multiple embryos. Jacob Glick feels that other couples would benefit from this trend since raising twins can be difficult, especially for new parents.

Jacob Glick Was Surprised to Learn the Rate of Identical Twins Has Remained Steady

At the same time that the total rate of twins is rising, identical twins born from the same egg remain at four per 1,000 deliveries. Therefore, the increase in twins is driven by the higher number of fraternal twins being born. Identical twins are born when a fertilized egg divides and develops into two identical embryos with the same genetic code. In contrast, fraternal twins are born from two separate eggs.

Jacob Glick was also surprised to find that the rate of genetic versus fraternal twins varies in different areas of the world, probably due to genetics. For example, almost all Japanese twins are identical, while most African twins are fraternal.

Factors that impact lower fertility rates include starting families at a later age and more frequent contraception use. Jacob Glick says that he and his wife were delighted to have help in bringing their daughter into the world. However, he hopes that as the science advances, IVR couples have an increased success rate after implanting a single fertilized egg.

Originally published at https://jacobglick.net on April 4, 2021.



Jacob Glick

After one semester, it became apparent that he would be miserable crunching numbers all day in some cubical. Eventually, Jacob Glick of Arizona landed.