There is more than one kind of intelligence, as shown by many indicators.

Jacob Damian
6 min readMay 1, 2023

Many different perspectives on what constitutes human intelligence have been proposed by psychologists and other experts.

How do we assess mental capacity?

The term “intelligence quotient” (IQ) testing is certainly familiar to you. These tests were developed with the express purpose of gauging talent and skill.

However, IQ is not the only indicator of intelligence.

Reasoning, memory, and problem-solving are just few of the abilities that may be gauged with an IQ test. They are unable to capture your whole range of talents.

Creativity and emotional intelligence are two talents not measured by IQ testing.

Scores on intelligence tests may not be indicative of true IQ because of cultural differences in test takers’ familiarity with test ideas and organization.

People with autism may be more intelligent than IQ testing show, according to a 2016 analysis of the available evidence (Reliable Source). This intellect is simply unbalanced, which may have a chilling effect on interpersonal relationships and productivity.

Intelligence in a variety of forms



Jacob Damian

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