Time is Currency: A Deep Dive into ‘In Time’s’ Unique Universe

Zereef Hevelion
3 min readJun 22, 2023


The ticking hands of a clock often represent our fleeting moments, but what if each tick signified the very life slipping away from you? In the gripping universe of ‘In Time,’ an intriguing sci-fi thriller directed by Andrew Niccol and starring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried, time is more than a metaphor — it’s the currency of life.

In this dystopian society, time is wealth, and like all wealth, it is unequally distributed. People stop aging after 25, but there’s a catch — unless they can earn or inherit more time, their life’s sandglass has just a year left to trickle.

Our protagonist, Will Salas, portrayed by Justin Timberlake, is a denizen of the time-poor ghetto, Dayton. Living day-to-day, minute-to-minute, the constant struggle for time permeates his existence. Yet, an encounter with a disillusioned 105-year-old man, weary of his eternal life, catapults Will into a new world.

When the time-wealthy man endows Will with his centuries, Will enters the realm of the time-rich New Greenwich, where life moves languorously, and a cup of coffee can cost four months. This new world opens Will’s eyes to the cruelty and indifference of the time-wealthy class, their apathy underscored in the character of Sylvia Weis, a time-heiress portrayed by Amanda Seyfried.

As the plot unfolds, we witness a revolution sparked by the unlikely duo of Will and Sylvia. Becoming ‘time robbers,’ they decide to upset the imbalance by redistributing time, a move that sends ripples through their stratified society. Their actions ignite an intense chase from the Timekeepers, the guardians of this time-structured society, culminating in a climax that teeters society on the brink of collapse.

The movie ends on a hopeful note, with the new order emerging as society’s rigid time structures crumble. However, it’s the thematic underpinnings of ‘In Time’ that linger, as it invites us to reflect on our reality. The movie’s critique of wealth disparity, its exploration of mortality, and its dissection of societal structures all strike a powerful chord.

So, does ‘In Time’ echo our world, where resources are so unevenly distributed? What would our society look like if time, the most egalitarian of resources, became another marker of social divide? And if the elixir of immortality was up for grabs, would we, too, grow weary like the 105-year-old man, yearning for a final sunset?

The movie’s strengths lie not just in its gripping plot or the performances of its actors, but in its ability to provoke these questions. ‘In Time’ is more than a sci-fi thriller — it’s a mirror reflecting our world and a clock, ticking away, asking us what we’d do if each second counted.

Feel free to share your thoughts on ‘In Time,’ its societal commentary, and its captivating concept. How did you perceive the movie’s portrayal of immortality, wealth disparity, and societal structures? Let’s open up the floor for discussion.

It’s time.



Zereef Hevelion

Software Developer with a hobby of writing stories. Also interested in AI generated content