A Note On Forgiveness

4 min readNov 13, 2023
A young man holding a new born rottweiler puppy on a sunny Cuban farm.

To be continued. As of now, I am going to write a letter of forgiveness.

A letter to all in the name and essence of forgiveness and understanding.

When do we draw the line?
At the fool who stole from me yesterday and caused my downfall today?
At the fool’s drunken father who beat his poor mother senseless and sent the fool on his merry way into the world?
Do we blame the drunkard's parents for their fouls and their parents before them? What about all the neighbors?
What about all the wrong-doings? The mischief?
What about the times lost and the peoples lost and the could-haves and definitely would-haves, if only.
What about the little boy who was brought to grow old too quickly and then learned to resent those who didn’t see the truth around them so he thought to teach them all a good lesson? What about his pains? How do we get reparations for something that no longer exists?
What about the soul who cries at night alone, for a sense of belonging or a sense of being touched, longing to be accepted and loved by another?
What about the beatings the mother took in front of the baby boy's eyes? What if his anger wasn’t so obviously wrong?
How can one imagine the lives of all?
I get sick to my stomach at this point in time as I think about it.




Just an alien from the future who lost the keys to the...thing. Coffee. Pizza. Respect.