Why Should I Care About What You Say?

Part 1 of How to Succeed in Business, Without Any Real Training — A guide to work after graduating from college.

Jacob Rositano
2 min readMay 25, 2020
A man walking with a leather brief case on his way to work.
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

This series is called “How to Succeed in Business, Without Any Real Training — A guide to work after graduating from college.” I graduated college with no real training in marketing, and have become one of the top strategists on my team. This is not a way to boast about myself, but to tell you how I was able to accomplish it, and to help you accomplish something similar in your life, no matter what you want to do, or what your degree/training is in.

However, when I begin to read an article, I always wonder why I should listen to the advice this random author is giving me. To save you the trouble of google searching me, here is short summary of why you should even listen to what I have to say.

I graduated college in 2017 and have been working full-time at my company since I graduated. When I graduated college in May of 2017, I had my degree in Youth Ministry and no desire to go into that field of work. But I applied for a job in marketing at my school and to my surprise I got it. Now, our HR department was very slow, so I will admit that I did not start my full-time job until September 2017, but I did work full-time that summer in the job I had at the school as a student.

Since beginning my role, I have been promoted 2 (kind of 3) times. I was in my role for a year when my boss resigned to work in the for-profit world. I was immediately promoted to her position. A few weeks later, before the paperwork was finalized, another co-worker resigned and I was promoted to a new position that contained two channels, this being my “official” promotion during that season. Within a year in that role, our VP, whom I was reporting to, decided to promote me once again to a higher position within my team.

I have assisted in doubling the subscriber count to a daily email, doubling revenue in my channels, and managing an email marketing calendar of close to 10 million sends a year. My role involves a mixture of email marketing and digital advertising, as well as overseeing a team of 4 to ensure these channels are running smoothly. Through my team’s efforts, we have done work never before seen in my company’s history and streamlining processes to make these accomplishments happen even easier.

I hope you will join me in this journey of becoming a master employee after you graduate from college.



Jacob Rositano

Digital Marketing Manager, Clinical Mental Health Counseling Grad Student, Aspiring Writer, and Tweeter of all my random thoughts: https://twitter.com/JRositano