Tyre Rotation: How, Why, and When?

Jacob Taylor
2 min readJul 16, 2019

Runners replace their shoes every six months; people who like long walks make this replacement yearly and some people make their shoes last even more. Depending on the use, the life of the shoe changes. So why not apply the same principle to the shoes of your car- its tyres.

The tyres of a car are its only part which IS in constant contact with the surface of the road. Keep that in mind, when you ignore their upkeep. Ideally, manufacturers will tell you to change your tyres every 40k kilometres or five years, whichever comes first. But do you know there are ways which can ensure that the life of your tyres is comfortable and smooth for you?

Tyre Rotation: you might have heard of it, you might have wondered what it is all about, but never really bothered. So let us talk about how it is done, and more importantly, why?


There are three ways of tyre rotation.

  1. Interchanging the front and the rear tyres. This is done when all the tyres are unidirectional. The front tyres perform under very different conditions when compared to the rear tyres, which can be the cause for uneven wear.
  2. The X pattern. The front right tyre is changed with the rear left and the front left is interchanged with the rear right.
  3. Rearward cross. This method is used when the front tyres are interchanged with the rear tyres but the position of the rear, when shifting to the front with relation to each other, is unchanged.


Tyres are not always on the ideal driving surface. This unevenness on the road can cause uneven tread wear. Uneven tread on your tyres can be the cause of an uncomfortable ride, which can over time cause one or more of the tyres to wear down to a place where they are unusable, while others are still in relatively good condition. Timely rotation of tyres can ensure that all the tyres wear out evenly, thus ensuring smoother ride quality. The difference in the stress on different tyres is the cause for uneven wear. The rear tyres play a major role in the handling of the car as they keep the non-steered part of the car in check. So, tread on them should always be good. Rotating the tyres makes sure that they are not evenly worn out.


Tyres should be rotated every 15k kilometres or 6 months. This timeline usually coincides with the regular maintenance schedule of your vehicle. Wheels UK can help you with the process of buying Tyres Coventry, making it hassle-free for you.

Regular maintenance of your car’s tyres will help you keep the ride comfortable, save you money, and also keep your vehicle’s suspension in good shape. So, don’t keep wondering; get those tyres rotated.

