30 Yorkshire Words & Phrases

I didn’t quite realise how much people wouldn’t understand me in another country

Jacob Harrison
5 min readNov 16, 2022
Flamborough Head Lighthouse, Yorkshire

The language and dialect of Yorkshire is truly something to behold.

I always knew it was special, but moving to Copenhagen has really made that much more obvious.

The amount of people that struggle to understand my accent along with the words and phrases I use has made 75% of what I say, sound like a totally different language.

So I thought I’d pull something together that I can just forward to people, and show them a bit of a beautiful insight into an incredibly historic part of the world that birthed the industrial revolution of the modern world, and I’m proud to call my hometown.

I really enjoyed writing this and could have easily carried on, so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Yorkshire Rose & Flag

Throughout this, you will see examples of words beginning with the letter H, with an appostrohy e.g ‘ows = hows…this is because the Yorkshire dialect doesn’t pronounce the H or the T in English, enjoy.

  1. Nah Then

Translation: Now Then — Hello, Hi
Definition: A common greeting
Used in a sentence: Nah then lad, ‘ows the sen? (Now then lad, how are you?)

2. Ey Up
Translation: Hey Up — Hey
Definition: Another common greeting, especially when you weren't expecting to see someone
Used in a sentence: Ey up cock! Good to see you
(“Cock” also means “friend” not…something else)

3. Be Reyt
Translation: Be Okay
Definition: Used as an expression to signify something will be fine
Used in a sentence: Ah don’t worry about it, it’ll be reyt

4. Ow Much
Translation: How much
Definition: A phrase heard regularly in Yorkshire when expressing disgust with the cost of anything (it’s a cultural joke as Yorkshiremen are very well known for being tight with their money)
Used in a sentence: Bloody hell, ‘OW MUCH

5. Owt
Definition: Used to refer to a thing, no matter what
Used in a sentence: I’ll ‘av (have) owt for nowt

6. Nowt
Translation: Nothing
Definition: Not anything; no single thing
Used in a sentence: I’ll ‘av owt for nowt

7. Luv
Translation: Love
Definition: A phrase used for a woman, any woman
Used in a sentence: Nah then love, ‘ows are you?

8. ‘ows the sen?
Translation: How is ones self
Definition: A way of asking someone how they are
Used in a sentence: Nah then love, ‘ows the sen

9. Faffin
Translation: Messing about
Definition: Someone who’s not concentrating and causing a distraction
Used in a sentence: Stop faffin about will ya’

10. Dinner & Tea
Translation: Lunch & Dinner
Definition: Meaning a mid day meal and evening meal
Used in a sentence: What are we ‘aving for dinner (lunch) and tea (dinner)

We’re right on this one, the rest of the world is wrong. Don’t argue.

11. Scran
Translation: Food
Definition: Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth
Used in a sentence: What scran do we ‘av for dinner

12. Ta
Translation: Thanks
Definition: An expression of gratitude.
Used in a sentence: Ta lad

13. Summat
Translation: Something
Definition: A thing that is unspecified or unknown.
Used in a sentence: Summat and noffin (nothing)

14. C’unt
Translation: Couldn’t
Definition: An expression of not being able to achieve something
Used in a sentence: I c’unt do it

We’re not being rude, it’s just the accent that makes it sound that way.

15. Put wood in t’hole
Translation: Put the wood in the hole — Close the door
Definition: Indirectly indicating to someone that the door is open and that they should close it
Used in a sentence: Ehy, put wood in t’hole

16. Chuffed/Chuffin
Translation: Delighted
Definition: An expression used when you’re happy or pleased
Used in a sentence: 1. I was really chuffed about that 2. Chuffin ‘ell! That’s great

17. ‘eck (by ‘eck, chuffin ‘eck, bloody ‘eck, ecky thump)
Translation: Heck
Definition: A word used as an auxiliary to most other words to express surprise
Used in a sentence: BLOODY ‘ECK ‘OW MUCH

18. Ginnel
Translation: Path
Definition: A small passage between two buildings
Used in a sentence: Turn left at the ginnel

19. Ee By Gum
Translation: Oh my god
Definition: Used to express minimal dismay at an event that has occurred. Primarily used by southerners that think we say it all the time.
Used in a sentence: Ee by gum, that wer’ a near miss

20. Gander/Goose
Translation: Have a look
Definition: Direct one’s gaze toward someone or something or in a specified direction
Used in a sentence: Giv’ us(‘us’ meaning ‘me’) a gander/goose at that

21. Sound
Translation: That’s good
Definition: An expression of something that has appeased.
Used in a sentence: Yeah dunt (don't) worry that’s sound that.

22. Bairn
Translation: Child
Definition: A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.
Used in a sentence: ‘ow’s tha’ (your) bairn? = (How is your child)

23. Ta’rra
Translation: Goodbye
Definition: Used to express good wishes when parting or at the end of a conversation
Used in a sentence: Ta’rra then

24. Bap
Translation: Breadbun
Definition: A round slightly spherical bread loaf,
Used in a sentence: I’ll ‘av one fish and a bap please love

25. Whats tha’ got t’ do wi’ price o’ fish
Translation: What has that got to do with the price of fish? — I don't see how that bares any relation to the topic we’re discussing

26. Mardy
Translation: Moody
Definition: Given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.
Used in a sentence: Ere’ love, will ya stop being mardy

27. Si’thee
Translation: See You — Goodbye
Definition: Used to express good wishes when parting or at the end of a conversation
Used in a sentence: Right, I’m off home, si’thee

28. Wazzock
Translation: Idiot
Definition: Meaning usless person/idiot.
Used in a sentence: You bloody wazzock Gary

29. Gormless
Translation: ???
Definition: Meaning someone who is clueless
Used in a sentence: You look bloody gormless lad

30. Mithering
Translation: Annoying
Definition: Meaning annoying or bothering
Used in a sentence: Stop mithering me with your whining and go play outside, kids!

Honestly, I could go on! But I promised 30, if you had a laugh and enjoyed this. Please check out the other blogs below that mention a lot more than I just mentioned, we really do have our own language in Yorkshire after all.

