Recipes for the face with Honey — Miraq

5 min readMar 21, 2023


Many cosmetics and hygiene items now include honey due to its rising popularity. Honey has been used for millennia because of its positive effects on the skin. Raw honey has been shown to have antimicrobial effects and wound-healing properties, among other possible health and skincare advantages.

Honey’s antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties may make it a desirable alternative treatment for individuals with acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

Honey’s benefits could be appealing, but anyone with a pollen allergy should think twice before applying it to their skin.

In the following piece, we’ll look at the pros and cons of using Natural honey on your skin and face based on what science has found. How honey can be used as a facial treatment is also covered.

Is It Safe to Use Honey on Your Face? In what ways does this help?

It is widely accepted that honey, particularly unheated raw honey, and Manuka honey, has numerous health benefits and can be effectively used topically without causing any irritation. For the reasons that:

Honey Is a Natural Acne Remedy

Pure honey has antibacterial properties and inhibits the development of many dermatologically relevant microorganisms in vitro studies. Acne-causing bacteria like P. acnes and S. aureus are among them. Furthermore, S. aureus has been linked to various skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis.

It has therapeutic benefits and is effective at wound healing

Because of its enzymes, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins, honey can be used medicinally. It’s great for soothing skin problems like psoriasis, dandruff, and diaper dermatitis, and it can help heal minor burns and wounds.

Nourishment for the skin’s moisture barrier

Honey acts as a humectant and emollient to help retain moisture in the epidermis. That’s why you’ll find it in many types of lotions and treatments. Honey is great for keeping dry skin smooth and supple.

Honey helps the skin’s pH balance

Pure Honey’s ability to balance the skin’s pH and ward off infections is well-documented. Honey’s low pH prevents the development of many pathogens and accelerates the healing of wounds.

With this newfound knowledge, you can use honey (raw or Manuka) to maintain healthy, radiant skin.

Honey Remedies for Skin

A mask of aloe vera, chamomile, and honey to calm the skin

This cool mask is virtually calling your name if you want something lighthearted and summery, like a drink you might enjoy by the pool. Aloe and rosewater have anti-inflammatory properties, making them ideal skin care components. (It feels especially lovely post-sun.) If you’re looking for a convenient and easy leisurely night, try this concoction:

  • Combine 2–4 mashed mint leaves, two tablespoons honey, two tablespoons aloe gel, and a few drops of rosewater.
  • Apply and let sit for up to 20 minutes, then wash off with tepid water.
  • Apply a face mask made of honey and cinnamon to nourish your complexion.

Honey and Cinnamon Mask

You’ll need two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Put the two components in a bowl and stir them together. After ten minutes, remove the mixture from your skin with warm water.

Antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory qualities give cinnamon a powerful edge. In other words, these two together will make your epidermis shine like the sun.

Mask for delicate skin: honey, green tea, and almond oil

You’ll need three green teas, Pure Honey, and olive oil teaspoons. Thoroughly combine green tea with honey and almond oil in a tiny dish. Put the concoction on your skin, wait fifteen minutes, and then rinse it with warm water.

Green Tea and Honey

Green tea and organic honey contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help combat free radicals and restore damaged skin.

Overnight mask for face

A thin layer of honey applied directly to the skin as a honey face mask is one of the simplest ways to use honey on your face overnight. Use a circular motion and cold water in the morning to easily remove it.

Regrettably, this approach often results in tenacious, unpleasant messes. Even though honey tastes great in a hot cup of tea, the thought of it ending up all over your sheets is not enticing. For this reason, we advocate the use of honey-based cosmetics. It restores equilibrium to the face and encourages a radiant glow. Powerful antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals help the epidermis. Applying this oil to your face before sleeping is a great way to achieve healthy, radiant skin in the morning.

Possible adverse reactions of Honey on Skin

You shouldn’t put honey on your skin if you have a honey allergy. The direct use of honey should also be avoided by those who suffer from pollen or bee allergies.

Even if you have never been allergic to honey, you should perform a skin test first.

To get a good night’s sleep, washing off any honey or honey-based products from the epidermis is important. If honey is left on the epidermis, it can become sticky and potentially dirty. Honey with dirt in it might aggravate existing skin problems.


There may be several advantages to using organic honey skin. Various skin conditions can be alleviated thanks to their natural antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Honey may help treat skin conditions, but it’s best to get the OK from a dermatologist first. Before using honey on a large area of skin, one should conduct a patch test.




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