3 min readApr 17, 2018


Projects are usually carried out either to solve a problem or to take advantage of an opportunity and behind every successful project, there is a brain. The case of JP Token is no different as it has several masterminds who have nurtured and groomed it to its present status and are determined to see it through to the top.

The Founders

The Jointly Platform is owned by the JP company, the first Ethereum based platform built to allow pooling of individual investor funds together to raise a sufficient amount which can be invested in ICOs and pre-ICO’s. The aim of this being to give these individual investors access to the benefits of large-scale investments which they would otherwise not have had access to if they were to invest on their own. This notable company was co-founded by Pier Filippo Bellucci and Jacopo Venturi.

Pier Filippo Bellucci

An information technology specialist, Pier Filippo Bullucci is Italian by birth and currently resides in Pistoia, Italy. The driving force which led Pier to co-found the JP Company is his passion for seeing all investors, regardless of their financial capabilities make the most of their investments through the use of cumulative investments which are not only more profitable but are highly reliable because they are built on a blockchain smart contract. He, therefore, co-established the JP Company to achieve these two goals effectively; to combine access to the highest possible bonuses attainable in any ICO with an assurance of safety of investor funds.

Jacopo Venturi

Also a co-founder of JP Company, Jacopo Venuri is a resident of Tuscany, Italy where he is a third-year law student at the Università degli Studi Firenze in Florence from where he is billed to graduate in the year 2021. His interests include blockchain cryptocurrency investments, and it is his dream of creating a novelty platform that will allow investors to securely invest in ICO projects and receive the highest possible bonus that pushed him to partner with Pier Filippo Bellucci to establish the very promising JP Company.

The Developers

To ensure the successful establishment and excellent performance, the co-founders of the Jointly platform incorporated other members into their team to assist in the development of the project. Alessandro Gasparri, Gabriele Fedi, and Deniz Koxha are specialists in their various fields who have facilitated the development of the key aspects of the project which are; code development and marketing.

Alessandro Gasparri is co-developing the smart contract that manages the investments of the various investors who would participate in ICOs via the JP Company. Awarded information expert, Alessandro is currently a student at the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Florence. He is an experienced programmer and is particularly interested in smart contract and IOS/Android app development.

Gabriele Fedi, with an IT technician diploma, is now studying computer engineering at Florence University. He has varied work experience in the IT sector and is also a very good smart contract and IOS programmer.

Deniz Koxha who is an Economics and Management student at Florence University is also a scientific high school graduate. He is the company’s marketing manager and has been involved in cryptocurrency since 2015.

In conclusion, the use of an expert team ensures that every project is successful, and that of JP typifies a company that is obsessed with achieving huge success.

