Book Summary: “Expeditionary Force: Columbus Day” by Craig Alanson

Jacqueline De Freitas
5 min readMar 26, 2024



“Expeditionary Force: Columbus Day” is the first novel in Craig Alanson’s critically praised science fiction series. The story, which is set in a future in which humanity has colonized space, centers on the exploits of Joe Bishop, a common person caught up in an intergalactic struggle. Joe is enlisted in an elite force to defend Earth from an invasion by the Ruhar, an alien race. However, as he gets more involved in the fight, he learns that not everything is as it seems, and to preserve mankind, he must negotiate perilous political terrain and outwit formidable opponents.

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Chapter Summaries

Chapter 1: Welcome to Paradise Bartender Joe Bishop, in a small Maine hamlet, witnesses an enigmatic item falling from the sky. He finds an extraterrestrial spacecraft buried in the jungle after doing some investigation. He discovers a dying extraterrestrial within, who hands him a gadget before dying. Joe, taken aback and perplexed, attempts to make sense of the circumstances.

Chapter 2: Planet Dirt Joe discovers he’s aboard a spaceship when he wakes up in an unfamiliar location. He meets an advanced artificial intelligence named Skippy, who informs him that they are on a mission to protect humanity against an extraterrestrial menace known as the Ruhar. Skippy asks Joe for assistance in figuring out how to navigate the ship and decides on a plan.

Chapter 3: The Nagatha Question More information regarding the Ruhar’s intentions is revealed by Skippy. He tells us that the Ruhar are using humanity as pawns in their conflict with the Kristang, another extraterrestrial race. Despite his inability to fully understand the circumstances, Joe offers to help Skippy in any way he can.

Chapter 4: Time Is Up The Ruhar are attacking a human colony when the ship arrives. Joe is inspired to fight back after seeing the destruction brought about by the extraterrestrial attack. He assists in evacuating the survivors and repelling the hostile soldiers under Skippy’s direction.

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Chapter 5: Dances with Kristang Skippy comes up with a scheme to obtain intelligence by breaking into a Kristang base. In an attempt to obtain crucial intelligence regarding the enemy’s strategies, Joe agrees to go undercover as a prisoner. He considers the peculiar turn his life has taken as he gets ready for the perilous trip.

Chapter 6: The Genie’s Bottle Joe enters the Kristang base with success and obtains vital information about their military activities. But now that his cover is broken, he must battle his way out and into safety. He barely avoids capture with Skippy’s assistance and makes it back to the ship with the information they require.

Chapter 7: My Big Fat Alien Wedding After a successful mission, the crew enjoys a moment of calm before learning of an upcoming Ruhar attack. Together, Joe and Skippy devise a strategy to protect the colony and stop the enemy’s progress.

Chapter 8: Nuke the Moon Joe suggests an audacious plan to carry out a preemptive strike against the Ruhar in an attempt to buy some time. Skippy is at first dubious but eventually agrees to assist in carrying out the plan. Joe prepares for the impending clash as emotions grow and the attack’s countdown starts.

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Chapter 9: Blackhawk Down The crew’s attempt to destroy the moon is derailed when they run into unanticipated opposition from the Ruhar. To assure the success of their objective and adjust to the shifting circumstances, Joe and Skippy need to be quick thinkers.

Chapter 10: Well, That Was Unexpected The Ruhar fleet is severely damaged and rendered immobile when the nuclear bomb goes off. After winning, Joe and Skippy quickly come to understand that their acts have repercussions. They realize that the fight is still ongoing as they evaluate the damage caused by the battle.


The action, mystery, and humor of “Expeditionary Force: Columbus Day” build to an epic science fiction adventure. Readers are introduced to a vast cosmos full of political intrigue, alien races, and existential threats through Joe Bishop’s eyes. In order to save humanity from extinction, Joe and his allies must face their own inadequacies and anxieties as they negotiate the difficulties of intergalactic combat. This novel is guaranteed to enthrall readers of the genre with its captivating characters and gripping narrative twists, leaving them eagerly awaiting the next book in the series.

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Jacqueline De Freitas

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