The 90-Day Writing Challenge: Lessons and Outcomes

Jacqueline T Hill
4 min readJun 30, 2018


90 days. 100,000+ words. 11,000 new page views. 850 new weekly views. Higher search engine rankings. What more can one ask for during a 90-day writing challenge?

The journey has been long, trying and rewarding.

I’m Jacqueline, and as of today, I’ve accomplished an incredible milestone. This post marks my final, 90th day for completion of the 90-day writing challenge.

My hopes are to help some of you with everything I’m about to reveal. Before I get into the process, please allow me to show honor to someone whose inspiration now means the world more than ever.

90-Day Writing Challenge Special Thanks

“Always. Always say thank you to those who’ve helped you along the way. Never bite or cut off the hand that feeds you,” says mom and dad.

With this in mind, I’m grateful for the teachings of Miles Beckler and his solid advice for starting and completing a 90-Day Writing Challenge.

I had the pleasure of meeting Miles Beckler virtually on YouTube. This particular day I typed in YouTube dot com to begin searching for a few songs to pump my writing flow.

I always listen to music while writing. And, a video entitled “Keyword Research with Google’s Keyword Planner,” by Miles Beckler leaped at me. Although keyword research is one of my most used strategies, I didn’t plan on using YouTube to further my understanding of it.

Anyways, Mr. Miles-to-the-Beckler ignited my research adrenaline, totally shifted my writing plans, and off I went to watch his videos on content marketing techniques and tools, SEO, Keyword Research, and much more. Don’t believe me just go to his Youtube page for yourself.

Make sure you’re ready mentally and definitely have another notetaking section on your computer or separate notebook for all of the “How To’s” and content marketing knowledge you’ll receive.

Trust me. His videos will pop out to you. His branding and graphic colors: blues, reds, and greens all grab your attention. Plus, the headlines he writes are incredible and outstanding.

Do you remember how the channel “LifeTime” keeps you watching movie after movie for hours on a Saturday or Sunday? In like manner, Miles Beckler’s held my interest for the entire day and a few days after. And, will do the same for you.

Miles Beckler 90-Day Writing Challenge

I landed on one video where he’s teaching and conducting research on the traffic difference between a 30-day writing challenge, 60-day writing challenge, and 90-day writing challenge.

During this video, he talks about setting up yourself as an expert in your industry, and one of many ways to tackle this is by doing what I call the Miles Beckler’s 90-day challenge.

Now, there are various ways to handle this challenge. You can write seven days straight or five days with two days off. The latter worked in my favor more than the former.

My 90-day writing challenge ran from February 22 through June 27th minus Saturday’s and Sunday’s. Prior to this, I wrote blogs every Monday and Thursday.

Is a 90-Day Writing Challenge Possible?

You must know yourself and how many hours you can work per day. Your research and writing rhythm plays an essential role in this and will tell how much you can endure day-to-day.

So, yes, pacing yourself means everything. The last thing you want during the challenge is to experience burn-out.

At first, you don’t think finishing a challenge is possible until it’s done.

I didn’t use prompts, nor cheerleaders or an accountability partner. My family and friends noticed my “silence” throughout the 90-day writing challenge. However, they didn’t fully understand what this meant for my writing career, as a content strategist and business owner.

Almost every other expert says to write good content, books and provide value. Oh, and don’t forget it has to be full of value. I wasn’t sure what that exactly meant.

Those are blanket statements to me — more like generalizations. Miles Beckler doesn’t just make these “gray area” statements and leave you off to go fish for their meanings.

His ability to break down how to find your target markets and niche, what your content should include for your niche and how to get the traffic your way with real examples made it very possible to start and complete my 90-day writing challenge.

The 90-Day Writing Challenge: Two Biggest Lessons

Lesson #1

To be blunt, you only need a little writing experience. I’m not suggesting that you should have already mastered writing 1000 words per day. The challenge will get you to this word count and beyond little by little.

Also, internet research experience will be a plus in the long run. Even after viewing Miles Beckler’s videos, I’ll admit to continuing to write my posts based on what I thought my market wants — not on what the market wants.

Big mistake. All of your content, books, blogs, and articles should… Read more here.



Jacqueline T Hill

Writer. Content Writer. On writing, creativity, becoming better in life, education and writing tips. Oh, I Love Chai Latte's! Visit me at