Everything I Miss at Home

Jacques Gerard
10 min readOct 3, 2023

You give me everything I miss at home. You satisfy me.

An early Thursday afternoon and I just sat at my desk after a meeting. I was proofreading a document of a business proposal. As the file loaded on my computer, Linda popped into my head.

I had a clear image of her wearing a black dress and her high cheekbones accented the sultry smile on her full red lips. It ignited the twinge that started making my cock hard. All I could think of was calling her. I dialed her office number.

“This is Linda,” she said.


“That’s so funny! I was thinking about you!” Linda’s voice lowered.“I’m wearing the platform sandals that you gave me. They’re so comfortable! I love them!”

“Are you wearing a black dress?”

“Yeah. My long button-down one.”

“You came to mind.”

I felt Linda smile as she replied, “I know. I’m special that way. We’re connected and I love feeling your energy when I turn you on.”

The mystical tone in Linda’s voice shook me. She was an empath like me and the energy exchange was very sensual.

I took a second before speaking, “Slip your sandals off and touch your feet together. That usually calms you down.”

