Exercise Will Make You Happier Than Donuts…

6 min readSep 5, 2020


Habits That Will Change Your Life

“Good things come to those who sweat!”

Well hello there!
Welcome back to the Habits That Will Change Your Life series. In the last article we dove into sleep — not literally of course! It’s kind of impossible to read while your eyes are closed unless of course you have learnt to read braille.
I do hope that you took some deeper interest in your own sleeping patterns after reading last weeks article. I would love to here how it went for you! If you feel like sharing your new found love for sleep or talking about the new habits you have implemented pre-bedtime, send me a message on Instagram: @couplealattes.

Although a good nights sleep will change your life in ways you could never have imagined, it is only a start! Life is like a computer game, the only difference is how you win. Unlike most computer games, there is no “clocking” of life.
To win at life is to continue playing, and to play 1% better than you did the week before — growth is the name of the game!

Today we dive into habit #2: Exercise Will Make You Happier Than Donuts!

What is your definition of personal success?
Is it to work 12 hours a day and drink 15 coffees just to stay awake, all this in order to reach a net worth in excess of 7 figures? Is it to prove to others how willing you are to die of a heart attack at 55 in order to seem successful to the world around you?

Defining your version of success is essential! Not the version of success social media spews at you, your version!
Asking yourself why success means feeling anxious and overworked while surviving on donuts and 2 crunches a week, might produce some interesting answers. It is likely this way of life is not included in your description of success.

Too often the benefits of exercise are traded in for the excuses of everyday life, but they are just that, excuses! How does it make sense to put off a habit which will leave you feeling successful, energised, and result in a healthier longer life? [ref 1.]

Before we go further, ask yourself some serious questions and define your version of personal success. If being unhealthy, anxious, low on energy, and over-worked is not on that list of definitions then let’s continue on.

Why Exercise Is A Life Changing Habit?

Exercise is not something you do in order to look ripped or toned for Instagram selfies. Regular exercise (even something as simple as a brisk walk) will have long lasting benefits on your energy levels, cognitive functions, and overall happiness; not to mention the effects on overall physical/mental health & wellbeing. [ref 2.]

  • Exercise can make you feel happier!
    When we exercise the parts of our brain that regulate stress and anxiety change, and our sensitivity to the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine increases, relieving our feelings of depression. [ref 3.] The result is a sensation we refer to as happiness.
  • Weight Loss!
    Losing weight is one of those taboo topics we feel is to offensive to talk about openly. In my opinion it is far more offensive to ignore a potential health problem in favour of temporary emotional comfort.
    Exercise has been shown to increase your metabolic rate, burning more calories and helping you lose weight. [ ref 4, 5, 6 & 7.]
  • A boost to your energy levels!
    One of the more popular excuses for avoiding exercise is a lack of energy… it’s kind of funny that exercise might actually provide the solution. [ ref 8 & 9]
    Of course exercise will not always be the answer, if chronic fatigue is a problem for you I recommend consulting your GP before dangerously increasing your workout routine.
  • It will help with that brain fog!
    At the most basic level exercise increases your heart rate, promoting the flow of blood & oxygen to the brain. Exercise has also been shown to correlate with an increase in size of the hippocampus, a part of the brain vital for memory. [ref 10 & 11.] This is why exercise is even more important as we get older.
    Moreover, exercise has been shown to help stave off chronic diseases which effect the brain — now that is a long term win! [ref 12]

Tips To Get You Exercising!

Exercise is a pillar in my life. It has helped pull me through some of my darkest moments and been the source of energy on hand when going for those big wins. These are some of the tricks I use in order to keep my habit going strong:

  • Make it enjoyable!
    Habits are far more likely to stick if they put a smile on your face.
  • Set a time and pester yourself with memos.
    Consistency builds lasting habits, if 6am is your workout time then make sure you stick to it. Set alarms & reminds to keep your excuses from winning the battle, make it annoying to avoid your daily exercise.
  • Start small!
    Don’t wake up tomorrow and attempt an Iron-Man! Apart from the obvious health risks, starting too big is difficult and likely to scare you away from continuing the habit.
  • Keep the goal simple and tiny!
    Don’t make the process of exercise overwhelming, simply convince yourself to walk out the door with your gym bag. Chances are this simple action will lead to a domino effect: walk to the gym, start a workout, feel great, set tomorrows alarm, and repeat.
  • Lay out your things!
    Humans are lazy! Plain and simple we are prone to take the path of least resistance — so make exercise a simple task.
    Lay out the gear you need for tomorrows exercise so it is as easy as possible to get that workout started!
  • Mix things up!
    Keep it exciting! Remember you want this to be enjoyable so don’t be afraid to change up your routines — you might even consider signing up to a club or a competition.
  • Find an accountability partner who ain’t afraid to tell you whats up!
    On those days where your ego is getting the best of you, it is essential to have one or more accountability partners on your team. It is one thing to let ourselves down but when our actions begin to effect others it becomes much harder to say no.
  • Don’t stop the snowball rolling.
    Once you get into a rhythm, don’t stop! Even a small break in your exercise schedule might trigger a downward spiral, before you know it donuts & poor sleep is once again the new norm.
    This is not to say rest is unimportant, don’t push yourself to the point of injury!

Exercise doesn’t need to be a 2 hour session in the gym or a marathon! Exercise can be as simple as a dance class, a walk with friends, or rock-climbing with your partner.
Keep it realistic! Keep it fun! Keep it consistent!

Examples of Successful People Who Prioritise Exercise

Successful people know how important exercise is for their continued success & wellbeing. Do you want to be your own version of success? If your answer is yes, then it’s time to make exercise your next life changing habit.

  • Barrack Obama: The former President of the United States exercises 6 days a week for a minimum of 45 minutes.
  • Richard Branson: Wakes up as early as 5am to go kite surfing, swimming, or to play some tennis.
  • Oprah Winfrey: Crushes 45 minutes of cardio 6 days a week!
  • Alexa Von Tobel: The CEO of LearnVest gave up exercise in favour of her business which resulted in some serious health problems. She now goes to the gym almost everyday noting: “I’m healthier, I’m happier, I sleep better. “When my life is better, my company is better.”

Well, what are you waiting for?
Make a start on a habit that will certainly change your life for the better!

Much Love,
Jacques Massie




Co-director of Massie Bros, creator, author, podcast host for the Couple A Lattes Podcast, and brother. Committed to enabling others to find their happiness.