Blockchain is the New Religion!

Jacques Legault, C.Psych
2 min readJan 8, 2018


The poor, the oppressed and the disenfranchised have been the biggest consumers of religion. The new poor, oppressed and disenfranchised are not necessarily economic, but spiritually suffering from want. And by spiritually I mean lacking in meaningful connections with others and a meaningful, purposeful life.

We are living in an age of isolation and relational disconnection in spite of social media’s promise to connect us, and technology’s promise to open our world to endlessly meaningful pursuits of happiness.

So where else to look for the solution out of our collective despair but to the technology that helped create our state of meaningless numbing.

In comes Bitcoin and Blockchain technology, the great liberator and equalizer; the technology that will empower the masses to redress the inequities of our neo-capitalist society and open the doors to perpetual rejuvenation.

Sound familiar? We all thought the internet would provide us with all that, and more…
Are we disappointed with that religious doctrine, even though we still pray at the altar of our screens on average about 6 hours a day? Hell No, the internet but prepared the way for the second coming: the Blockchain saviour.

Like pagans making the pilgrimage to the Holy Land during the crusades, so are the masses walking the treacherous landscapes of Cryptoland. Fearfully navigating hot, warm and cold wallets, centralized exchanges, creating rituals to safeguard their vulnerable private keys, and fearing the wrath of “god almighty’s” threat of legislating this great technology into oblivion while sacrificing all for the hope of redemption.

The followers are the new disciples, preaching the gospel according to Saint Bitcoin, Saint Ethereum, Saint Cardano, Saint Neo and soon Saint Eos in June 2018.

It is the hope for a better day, a better world and a renewed world where we can all claim to be part of, via a coin or two, and anonymously of course, that will fill the coffers of the new Vatican.

