Ironhack wireframing challenge

Jacques Trouillet
2 min readDec 31, 2018


This next exercise is an introduction to wireframing prior to my IronHack bootcamp.

The goal here is to do the wireframes for an app already created, Emov, in which the user can rent electric cars for short periods of time.

The app is quite straight forward. A map with the car’s localization, some filters available, a list with the car next to you, a burger menu, a signup and a login page.

The emov app

Then, on sketch, I started to create the wireframes. But at some point I had to reduce the amount of information on the screens. The wireframes were too great looking to be called wireframes and I needed to clarify the design.

The result

I think it took me too much time to create those wireframes and the result may be a little too nicely done.

There was however something which frustrated me, not being able to export several slices in one PNG. I had to create an artboard and copy my design on this large artboard before being able to get the result from above. A little trick but I hope Sketch will correct it soon.

Anyway, my next wireframe will be better !



Jacques Trouillet

Freelance product designer. Trying to write down the articles I would have loved to read in the past.