How to Swiftly Improve Your Relationship Today

Jacqui Olliver
Real EASY Love
Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2014


Are you accidentally ruining your relationship? Complacency isn’t relevant to everyone, but there are two sides of complacency you definitely need to be aware of, so you don’t inadvertently switch off your libido or make your partner become less attracted to you. Complacency is the precursor to the death of many relationships, as well as contributing to sexual issues such as early ejaculation and loss of erection hardness in men and a low libido and being unable to orgasm in women.

What’s left between a couple after sexual attraction is gone? Numerous couples are reduced to just being friends. While one partner might be happy with this arrangement, it often isn’t enough for the other partner who craves being in a mutually fulfilling relationship.

Complacency can signal the end of your relationship, whether it be a quick demise or a long-winded withdrawal by both partners… or it can be the start of a bright new future together, depending on what action you are prepared to take.

If you want to know how to increase sexual stamina in either or both partners, you need to understand how you may be inadvertently killing your sex life with a lack of action or overabundance of actions.



Jacqui Olliver
Real EASY Love

Psychosexual Relationship Specialist at published author and recognised authority on solving emotional and sexual issues.