JACS and 5G for business

2 min readOct 14, 2020


5G brings to the world of connectivity, besides ultra high speeds, a very important aspect which is ultra low latency.

Businesses need a reliable, flexible and secure platform for their mobility and enablement of new possibilities of automation and machine to machine communication.

Running any process remotely and effectively controlling its execution is pretty much offered by 5G. But wouldn’t the aspect of automation be completed by artificial intelligence AI and having a machine capable of controlling such process?

When we require machines to autonomously interact, the number of connections will be in the magnitude of thousands of times the human population. This is where JACS.tech come into action with its address space that provides even higher order of magnitude compared to any other infrastructure platform that can enable the 5G use cases.

5G does not only provide higher connectivity speeds but serves humanity, as well as businesses, for example, to reduce carbon footprint in mining industry, provide more safety in self driving cars, saving lives of remote patients miles away from surgeons and boosting productivity in robot operated factories.




JACS ‘Just Another Communications Stack’ aims to change the way data networks currently work.