2 min readOct 2, 2020


With Anti-VPN software, used by service providers to confirm Geo-location for their services, VPN benefits are reducing.

Traditional VPNs still offer a multitude of benefits, among which are: enhanced security, improved privacy, access to censored content and could potentially save you money. These individual advantages are even topped with a few more when VPNs are applied to corporate networks.

Multinational organizations have systems within their intranet that should not be accessed from the public internet. One needs to establish a secure VPN connection into the corporate portal so as to gain access to internal business systems.

Security is mainly achieved by masking one’s real IP address while operating behind the VPN server’s address which is, by default, almost perfectly secured against hacking attempts. With entities targeting individuals with marketing campaigns based on location and different preferences, working on the internet with a different IP address would minimize this hassle. Accessibility to data regardless of the centralized authorities’ decisions is another key aspect of VPNs. And being able to avail of services that are priced according to geographical locations is a major plus, when booking flights and accommodation for example.

Then came the era of decentralized, blockchain-based, VPNs. This involves another level of robustness due to the fact that there are no central server that can be targets for attacks. There is huge fairness in bandwidth allocation and enhanced connectivity.

However, blockchain-based VPNs still operate over the TCP/IP-based internet. The data packets are still in a plain standard format. As hard as this data can be accessed it still can be compromised.

Unless the data itself is transferred over a protocol and a transport infrastructure that is decentralized and benefiting from the security of blockchain itself.

JACS VPN Mobile App. Coming Soon!

Now we can begin to visualize a data packet that is not only traversing the internet through a distributed blockchain mesh, but also encoded in a format that uses blockchain inside its original fabric. The sender and receiver of data do not carry traditional IP addresses, instead they communicate using address identifiers that are allocated via an algorithm that is decentralized and not controlled by a central monopolizing authority.

JACS.tech brings this idea to light. All decentralized platform developers rely at the end on the centralized internet as their medium of transport. JACS takes care of the transport infrastructure bringing true life to decentralized Web 3.0. Now the third generation of internet can be truly decentralized end to end not only based on distributed services and applications running on top of the 50+ year old infrastructure.

JACS can start as a VPN utilizing its early adopters as secure nodes and enablers for the expansion of the decentralized secure islands over the public Internet.




JACS ‘Just Another Communications Stack’ aims to change the way data networks currently work.