Questions from Early Tech-Investors
2 min readJan 16, 2021


What need or challenge is your solution addressing?

Our solution is named ‘JACS’ or ‘Just another Communications Stack’
It aims to change the way data networks currently work.
Unlike the current IPv4 (already exhausted) and IPv6 centralized addresses allocation, constrained to only Service Providers / Carriers, incurring highly maintenance / renewal fees and having lots of security flaws and issues; JACS provides a decentralized Internet address allocation with almost unlimited address abundance, no renewal fees and extremely higher levels of security than IPv4 & IPv6.
JACS is ideal for the IOT and 5G use cases, while allowing individuals to acquire their own Internet global addresses independently from their service providers.

Describe the solution (its functions, main components, and who are the main users)

JACS combines Blockchain and the old Connection-Less Network Services, CLNS (that used to exist a couple of decades ago), with its 160-bits ISO NSAP addresses.
No central authority to request blocks from or justify to. Everything is decentralized over the blockchain.
JACS abundance of real addresses allows a unique, global, real address to every grain of sand on earth or even beyond!
The addresses advertisements are authenticated over the blockchain, thus avoiding Security hijacking incidents.
There is a minimal cost associated with a JACS address block with no maintenance or operational cost.
Everyone can acquire JACS global addresses, so JACS is ideally a B2B and also a B2C solution.

Describe how you are using blockchain in your solution

Blockchain is a critical and major component of JACS.
Starting from JACS Pre-Alpha version, JACS platform will be launched as a dAPP over the Ethereum public blockchain and will remain over Ethereum till the Official release version-2, where JACS will have its own native public blockchain.
JACS addresses allocation and storage will be performed over the blockchain, the blockchain node ID of the requesting entity will be hard coded in their life-time allocated JACS address.
JACS address advertisement will be authenticated and controlled from the blockchain preventing any hijacking incidents.

Describe your initial prototyping

JACS MVP is based on a client-server communications and messaging model.
It is purely based on the CLNS communications stack without any TCP/IP or IP addresses configured on the communicating nodes.
A messaging application sends ‘text-based’ messages from the clients to the server and reflects these messages back while being able to be captured by Wireshark.



JACS ‘Just Another Communications Stack’ aims to change the way data networks currently work.