Book Review: A Seditious Affair by KJ Charles

Jacy Delvecchio
2 min readMay 20, 2022


Silas Mason is a rebel with a cause. He’s devoted his life to championing the causes of the impoverished. Silas believes that the gentry are naught but leeches, glutting themselves on the lifeblood of the poor. Silas has been imprisoned and flogged for his beliefs, but he refuses to compromise.

Until Wednesdays.

Dominic Frey is a consummate gentleman. Well-born and well-educated, he works for the government tracking down the seditious rebels that hope to tilt the country toward anarchy. Naturally, he believes in the benevolence of the gentry and their right to rule. Dominic could never be swayed to believe that the government’s strictness was detrimental to the people.

Until Wednesdays.

Silas and Dominic are aware of their contrary politics. But, having agreed to remain anonymous, neither realizes the extent to which they are opposed until their careers crash into each other with all the force of a speeding train.

Dominic might be forced to arrest Silas for printing seditious materials. Silas has a record already, and the sentence for a second offense is worse than a flogging. But Silas can’t give up fighting for the rights of the poor. Dominic and Silas have to find a way to be together without either compromising their principles.


Silas truly believes in making life better for the less fortunate. He believes men and women are equal, that those who aren’t nobles should be allowed governmental influence, and that there shouldn’t be people starving while others gamble away thousands. He feels that no longer fighting such causes would be a betrayal of those who suffer, as well as his own morals and principles. However, he’s been fighting the good fight at full throttle for over a decade. Frankly, he’s burned out.

Dominic genuinely thinks that Silas’s goals will lead to violence and anarchy. He believes in law as a method of order, that those who commit crimes should be punished, whether gentry or common. He believes that citizens should be free to express their grievances without being silenced. It’s difficult for him to come to the conclusion, and to accept, that his ideals are not actually how the government operates.

Over the course of their relationship, Dominic and Silas learn from each other. They explore each other’s opinions, thoughts, and preferences. They learn how to find what they can agree on amidst everything they disagree on. In the end, they both step away from extremes in order to meet in the middle.

5 stars! Recommended for anyone who believes in equal rights for all and making love a priority.



Jacy Delvecchio

Reading and writing make up my life.