Don’t Let the Flu Bug You This Year

Everything you need to know to get through the 2020 flu season

Jackie Dana
7 min readJan 18, 2020

Do you have a scratchy throat, body aches, and maybe a fever? If you’re like lots of people I know, you probably have the flu. It’s knocking folks down for at least a week, making it really hard to get work done or take care of their families. (And I know this because one of the hallmarks of the flu is taking to Facebook and telling everyone how bad you feel!)

As I talked about the flu with my friends and family, it struck me how many people don’t know a lot about the flu or how to deal with it when they fall victim to the virus.

With that in mind, here’s a rundown of everything important you need to know about influenza viruses, how the flu is transmitted, and when the flu can be dangerous. I also review how to prevent infection, common symptoms in case you think you might have the flu, and how to treat the flu if you get sick.

What exactly is the flu?

Influenza, or ‘the flu’, is a virus that is primarily spread through the air when people cough or sneeze. It can also be transmitted by touching a surface with the virus and then touching your nose or mouth or rubbing your eyes.



Jackie Dana

Freelance writer & author who believes in the power of dreams. Writes (mostly) about creativity & storytelling. Find her at