Why Google Docs Is a Freelance Writer’s Best Friend

Get organized and improve communication with your clients

Jackie Dana
4 min readJan 16, 2020

As a freelance writer, you create a ton of different documents. That means you need an organized way to organize, share and track all of these copy assets with your clients.

You might be using Microsoft Word and sharing them as attachments to emails. But when your client makes changes, you’ll have to stay on top of version control, renaming docs and trying to keep track of what’s what. If it’s just one document — like a book manuscript — Word is probably the best option. But if you’re doing a lot of different writing projects, Word can become unwieldy very quickly.

Why not make things easier for you and your client by using Google Docs?

How Google Docs is a Game-Changer

Google Docs been around for years (it came out of beta in 2009 and became the software we know in 2012).

If you’re a writer, you probably already know how to use it, and might already be using it for some of your client work. However, if you’re new to it, it’s easy to learn (much easier than MS Word), and there is support documentation to help with different elements.



Jackie Dana

Freelance writer & author who believes in the power of dreams. Writes (mostly) about creativity & storytelling. Find her at storycauldron.substack.com.