Boundless Freedom

I think as soon as you realise you have boundless freedom to do what you want, that you can start or stop something if and when you want, everything becomes so much easier. With boundless freedom , you give yourself the space to grow, to expand, to soar.

Jade Stanger
4 min readApr 16, 2018
Eagle | Assassin’s Creed

I have the choice to do whatever I want. We all do. I can chose to change or not change something. Knowing, that whatever I do, is always down to my final choice. So ultimately I am the only one in control of outcomes that are directly associated from my actions.

Knowing that I don’t have to get up if I don’t want to. Knowing that I can decide to lay in bed, also gives me the freedom to chose another option of getting up early, if I feel like it. I’m always in control, but also free. There is no pressure. No guilt or emotional backlash. Enabling me to feel so much happier and more likely to get up early, in a more positive and productive mindset because I know I have freedom in my choices.

That’s not just because I have no particular commitments at the moment. The idea works when you have to work, meet friends or have other commitments too. In fact it works much more effectively and prominently when introduced into these kind of situations.

Before leaving for this trip, I’d been introduced this idea of living with boundless freedom from a friend of mine. Plus I’d been reading a book called Brain Wave Vibration by Ilchi Lee, which I’ll discuss another time.

Anyways, not long after I began to trial this new way of thinking, and being, I started seeing it taking effect in my life. I started to understand that I could, if I wanted to, cancel any of my promo work shifts, those that would be in extreme weather conditions, starting at 6.30am. Yes, they were pretty tough shifts.

Believe me when I say I really considered it, numerous times. But this time, instead of ruminating on the idea, I allowed myself the freedom that there was nothing stopping me from cancelling, if that is what I truly wanted, if that is what I felt I must do, that is what I felt I needed, then nothing or no one was stopping me. I had fair reasons for wanting to cancel, I wouldn’t lose out on much money and nothing bad would happen. No one would be hurt, die, or go to prison as a result. So I removed all the pointless guilt that I may feel from the situation and allowed myself the freedom, of the option to cancel, to say “No”.

By allowing that, I had acknowledged a power, that I could in fact, do what I wanted, without feeling negatively. Knowing that if I did cancel I was basing that choice on what I felt I needed to do as a person. Which in effect opened up other the other choice, of “not cancelling”, again, which until that point I’d been battling hard against.

I realised that if I had the power to do what I wanted, I had the freedom to control my mindset, my choices. Therefore if I wanted to, I acknowledged that I did in fact have the power and strength to get through what may be a tough day, in order to have more money for my travels. I realised that equally no one was forcing me to cancel and that nothing majorly bad would happen, except maybe tiredness and coldness would happen if I did decide to go to work. Plus not only would I be more positive about the extra money I would be taking away with me, I would be working with some cool, fun people at the same time. I had the freedom to chose either option. So I ended up choosing the latter. Yes, the shifts were tough but I didn’t regret my choice and I honestly felt better for it.

Then the past few weeks I’ve been thinking, that I’ll come back to London at the end of this year.

Before my travels I was very sure I didn’t like the idea of coming home for Christmas. I didn’t want to come back to just be sucked into the stress and chaos. Plus last Christmas was no walk in the park for me, so it has in a way, been left tainted. But regardless of this I felt like I’d probably have to, because my family would be angry or upset. Resulting in me feeling guilty. Funnily enough all this combined made me more adamant that I really didn’t want to come back.

But by allowing myself the freedom of understanding that I do not have to come back to London from November if I really do not want to, enables me to see that nothing is forcing me. No one is forcing me to come back. So as there is no pressure, I open the options back up. I also know that I have the freedom to change my mind at any given moment. But now I have the freedom to make that choice, either way, coming home; which originally felt like a pressure/hard decision, doesn’t anymore. Because I have the freedom, and now I am actually wanting to come back home to London at the end of this year.

As long as our choices do not hurt or harm others we need to make sure we allow ourselves the freedom to make the choice that we need, to allow ourselves to be the happiest, unrestricted and best possible versions.



Jade Stanger

Follow my current musical journey at Water Bear College as I blog my songwriting development process.