Journey into the Unknown

Jade Stanger
5 min readMay 29, 2016


London > Amsterdam > Moscow > Beijing > Hong Kong #tourofasia

Ok, so originally I planed on doing this blog much differently, by being a bit more detailed with the events of my trip but actually, I’ve realised that the highlights are more important. I will share with you as many of the standout experiences that I have along my journey.

On my first flight from London to Amsterdam I felt as though the journey in which I was about to embark on felt so right and empowering. I was ready, calm and at peace, although a little anxious of the Unknown. I was heading on 10 week trip round South-East Asia so everything would be unknown and new apart from the people I knew I’d be meeting along the way.

In Amsterdam, I had about 12hours so spent most of the day wandering and exploring the city. The warming sun glistening on the beautiful canal and quaint side streets, the bizarre red light district (though much less obvious and obscure during the day time), the multitude of bikes wizzing past, or pitched up in long lines in bike racks alongside the payments. The plentiful Dutch busily doing about their day in the city on a average Thursday. All so inviting, interesting, intriguing that I just ended up walking for miles.

I stopped at a little cafe that eventually caught my eye, to try some local fries. There I met a girl called Destiny from Canada who was travelling parts of Europe on her own. Together we went in search of The Sex Museum…yup, you heard me right, I made friends with a random and we go to The Sex Museum…oh and it was also my idea. There’s not much I can say about that museum other than its pretty graphic, intriguing and weird. However saying that, it’s an iconic place and in my opinion a must do in Dam, purely for its bizarreness!

I think that it’s such an amazing thing to be able to meet someone travelling and spend time with them, exploring. If I hadn’t picked that cafe I wouldn’t have met her, so maybe it was “Destiny” ;)

Next my flight to Moscow, where I spent an 8hour overnight layover! The only sleep I got during those 8hrs in Moscow was between 06:00–10:00am on a horrible airport chair clutching my bags tightly was an odd experience so far away from home, all on my own. Surprising I did nap a little, drifting in and out, comforted by the chatter of a group of American Salsa dancers who were travelling to a show and also waiting for their transfer. To be honest, I was so drained that Moscow was a blur…

Beijing. I think I may have fallen a little in love with Beijing. The beautiful interesting hutong’s, the busy markets with stalls covered in shades of Jade and brass trinkets, hosted by excitable and demanding Beijing locals.

The peaceful colourful parks, full of parents with their young children, tourist from the mainland, the elder generations playing cards or carefully executing delicate Tai Chi, as if moving through water, amongst the trees.

The hectic busy roads, on which drivers pay no attention to the red or green lights, so you have to concentrate, cross and be committed.

An abundance of diverse smells and tastes of new and strange street foods located on almost every single street. Sitting on the back of my friend’s bicycle, eyes wide open, clutching his waist as we rode through the busy night roads home after dinner, has to be one of my most favourite moments in this city…closely followed by our tuk tuk ride home, in which we had to get out of the carriage near the beginning of the journey, as the driver had to tilt it on one side to put the chain back on!

Last but most definitely not least the welcoming people (my oldest friend and his friends) who made me feel like I had a real home away from home. Lots of Lychees and Modern Family ;)

I have to say that Beijing has won my heart for China but Hong Kong is also amazing. This part of the journey has been more of adventure, and has opened my eyes up to my capabilities.

Thinking on my feet. When there were no places open to eat near our hostel on Lantau Island, so searching and locating the gifted food basket to make a small meal before our night hike up Lantau Peak.

Cutting cost by improvising and making meals in our room by adding canned ingredients to takeaway bowls of noodles.

Having to compromise and agreeing to become pescatarian for this trip. It is difficult to be vegan and get enough nutrition’s on a low budget in China, so I have had to introduce eggs and fish, so that my health and energy levels isn’t compromised during this trip.

Our accommodation (via Airbnb) for our stay was partly run by an overly emotional Chinese lady aged about late 50s. Every morning at around 5am she’d begin crashing pots, pans, beating fish with a stick, cooking copious amounts of food, and for who for you might you ask…well, your guest is as good as mine. We also weren’t aware that use of the kitchen was not included so she told us off for attempting to make our dinner using her cooker and for having our air-con on too high! Once we were out of sight, you’d hear her stressfully complaining in Cantonese to her other son on the phone. I can’t help but think that the idea of using her flat as an Airbnb was NOT her idea, considering she slept on a wooden board in the kitchen, whilst her sons slept in bunk beds in one of the spare rooms.

After much exploration in Hong Kong we decided to take a trip to the cinema and saw the new X-Men movie. Not only was it awesome but it highlighted an important message about how believing in yourself, letting go of everything and fear, can help you reach your true potential. No, I’m not a mutant but I’m sure I can still apply that to my own life.

Also note to self, do NOT use any other products even if you consider it to be ok, unless it ONLY has natural ingredients. I know I’m hypoallergenic to so much, but foolishly thought it’d be ok to use some of Chris’ Lush face mask last night and today I’m welcomed with a beautiful bumpy rash. Silly Jade, will have to purchase some oats as soon as I get to Chaing Mai to help bring it down.

About to board the flight to Chiang Mai now…speak soon!

Peace & Love,

Jade 💖



Jade Stanger

Follow my current musical journey at Water Bear College as I blog my songwriting development process.