Product Review: The Google Suite (G Suite) for Education

Jade Egan
3 min readMay 7, 2018


As education has shifted into the digital age, flooded by the use of new technology, we are constantly looking for the best products to make our lives easier. My favorite tools for education definitely come from Google, so here’s a product review of the G Suite as a whole, as well as a few specifics about a few different programs.


Google has made it exceptionally easy to utilize their multitude of tools. In addition to a simple interface to engage with the programs, the sheer amount of programs makes the G Suite the perfect tool for teachers and students alike. From Gmail providing a great email app with a LOT of storage, to word processing with Docs, all the way to Classroom, which allows educators and students connect, the G Suite provides all the tools for success.

Google storage is the key to the versatility of the products. Google Drive and the Google Cloud connect all the files through their program, creating a unified file of an account. In addition, they can be accessed through any computer connected to the internet with just a few clicks. The accessibility of files for users allows students to keep their entire academic file on their Google account.

Google’s word processing, presentation program, and spreadsheet program (Docs, Slides, and Sheets) are a few of the most crucial tools for students. They allow users to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with ease. Their easy access menus make finding tools extremely simple. Creating customized effects is a simple task even for novices. And because of Google’s easy access storage, students can then access their files from any computer with an internet connection. They can also use the sharing feature to share files with classmates and teachers, where they can edit and comment on the file.

One of the best tools for education is Google Classroom, although the effective use of it requires some practice for both educators and students.

Classroom allows teachers to post assignments, announcements, and general information for the stream of students. This creates easy access for students to turn in documents and other assignments (through Google Drive) and gives students heads up about upcoming tests and otherwise.

One of the downfalls, however, is that teachers have to be current about posting, continually updating students as the class progresses, or else the program becomes somewhat obsolete. Also, students need to have their notifications on for Classroom to receive alerts and to turn in assignments when they are due. Despite this, Classroom is a valuable tool for education.

All in all, the G Suite provides fantastic tools for education. It is simple to utilize their programs for student and educator use, and that is why I give it 4 stars and I highly recommend it for all educational use.

Try out the Google ‘G Suite’ for Education today:

Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Gmail, Google Classroom



Jade Egan

High school and beyond is hard to manage — let’s navigate it together. I have tips and advice for academics to everyday life. I’m Jade and I’m here to help.