4 min readMar 30, 2024

Boys and Pastry ii.

…As if reading my mind, he looks at the display and mutters, ‘That’s a good start,’ he wanted more and he meant for me to hear it. So, I seize the moment to ask if they’re for him and he says he’s running errands for his mom and isn’t sure what she’d like because he’s yet to get her list, she’s not answering her phone and her messages are unattended. Bless her heart.

Realizing my suggestions are mostly sweet, I switch them up with some savories, suggest two salads and tell him the fresh juices are great. I say maybe try one of each, he looks at mine and asks for five of each. Again, ruuude. The attendant says she has to get more juices from the kitchen and while she’s away, someone else comes to take my payment. My phone pops out for an Uber and a transfer but “Musk Forest” says my snacks are on him, something about making up for my time and a thank you for my help. Naturally, I refuse and he insists. I smile and refuse but he peers at me and insists. It’s now down to the new attendant who looks like he’s a fan of whatever is going on… You guessed it, he takes the card Sadiq is now holding to him and says ‘Sorry madam, next time.’ Next time? I didn’t have the time to think too much about that statement but now that I think about it, I can’t really tell if he meant I could pay for my pastry the next time I went there or if he foresaw the future and knew I would be arm in arm with the stranger I just met on my next visit.

Uber is 10 minutes away.

Anyway, I don’t fight the attendant. Something about a good-smelling man triggers lowered defenses. I say a thank you for his offering, but it comes out a little too raspy for my liking, he smiles for the first time, nods, and says ‘It’s nothing.’ Something about that phrase warms me up, I’m not a “you’re welcome” kinda person either. And did I mention his smile? He didn’t show any teeth but I could bet they would “look like a flock of shorn sheep, each with a twin, not a one alone.” Songs of Solomon is such a trip. But before I proceed to plan a wedding, I pick up my stuff and head to the door. I usually would sit inside to wait for my ride but I want to put some space between myself and this guy, so I flee.

It’s hot outside, Abuja never disappoints, but I manage.

Uber is 8 minutes away.

I close my eyes for what I think is a few seconds to center myself, I take one deep breath and my nostrils catch him again, almost like I’m back inside. The chime in the opposite store starts to ring, it’s great timing because it reminds me to open my eyes. This time, Uber is 6 minutes away, and “Musk Forest” is two feet away. I swoon!

Before I can quiz myself about how he’s managed to quietly slip out of the store and is now beside me, he says ‘Glad you’re still with us,’ the laughter that erupts from within me shocks me. I’m repulsed by my unladylike laughter. But before I say anything, he tells me his name is Sadiq and he’s never seen a witch in broad daylight. I tell him my name is Jade and I’m trying to summon my broom to take me home and this time he laughs. It sounds nothing like mine. His laughter can be likened to one of those 2-minute songs you can’t get enough of, again, I’m no lady. My phone vibrates, it’s Uber, they want me to know my driver is 4 minutes away. I don’t realize it immediately but a little frown is now sitting on my face. I am overstimulated and I need to go home but I also want to stand here and make jokes about “flying brooms” with the same person I’d found utterly annoying a few moments ago for at least 2 more hours. It’s true, I’m a clown. But I’m not entirely sure he feels the same way, because he simply glares at me while he feels for his phone, asks for my Insta, types it up, says, ‘I just followed you’ and walks away. Not a ‘Bye,’ not a ‘Smell you later.’ Just the back of his head, the shuffle of paper bags, and the trail of his perfume.

Uber has arrived.

NOTE: The feedback from the previous one was beautiful, you guys are loving my lover girl era and it’s intoxicating. Thank you so much for reading. Share, clap and leave comments per usual. 🖤