Fix Your Stomach NATURALLY

4 min readJun 5, 2020
Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

Most people should have experienced the pain of stomachache. If you had not, you’re lucky enough. The causes of a stomachache could be explicit such as bacteria intrusion which has to be dealt with medication, the pain comes fast but could be tackled with a rather clear solution. However in most cases the reasons are accumulative, implicit and far-ranging. Have you ever heard people having stomachache suddenly and frequently without any signs? The possible explanations could be stress accumulation, not enough sleep and irregular eating pattern etc. These etiologies are difficult to be revealed and the illness brought by is recurring without an absolute cure. Do not expect that medication could completely heal you, your pain could be relieved within a short period of time, but it will come back often if you don’t deal with the origin.


Some people never pay attention to their body, they don’t know when did they get a bruise, don’t know they are about to get a heatstroke, don’t know they have over-exercised. If they concentrate on their body more, they would feel the pain when they were hurt, the need to drink more water under the heat, muscles are reaching their limit. As I’ve mentioned in my previous article “How to Fall Asleep in 5 Seconds”, knowing yourself better is always the first step to the best treatment. There’s a saying “if you have…

