How to Ask Your Mom to Take a Shower with You — A Comprehensive Guide

Jaden Craymer
2 min readMar 18, 2023


gray steel shower

Asking your mom to take a shower with you is a topic that many refrain from discussing, and that is why I’m here to provide some guidance.

The importance of personal hygiene

Before we dive deep into the subject matter, let’s talk about personal hygiene. It is fundamental to keep ourselves clean and maintain good hygiene habits, especially during these unprecedented times. It not only helps in preventing illnesses but also makes people feel good about themselves.

The shower is one of the best ways to keep yourself clean and refreshed. But, what do you do when you are too scared to take a shower alone and need some company?

Assess the situation

Before you directly ask your mom to take a shower with you, assess the situation. Does your mom usually take showers with you? Does your mom have a history of being comfortable with nakedness and physical closeness? Are you old enough for it not to be weird?

It’s essential to make sure that you both are comfortable with nude and physical closeness before taking that step.

Asking your mom

It’s time to ask! Take a deep breath, and in a cool, calm, and collected way, let her know that you feel a little uncomfortable taking a shower by yourself and would feel better if she could accompany you.

Make sure that you don’t make her feel uncomfortable or forced. Let her know that it’s okay if she’s not comfortable with it, and you can shower alone.

Product Recommendation: Small Low-light Telescope for Smartphones

While waiting for an answer, you can make use of a Small Low-light Telescope for smartphones to stargaze. The telescope is portable and easy to mount on most smartphones, allowing you to take it anywhere you go. It comes with a clear HD view for the best stargazing experience. Check it out on Amazon.

child looking at Empire State building through tower viewer

Final thoughts

If your mom agrees, try not to make it weird, respect boundaries, and have a great time showering together! Make sure to make it a fun experience that’s not uncomfortable for either of you.

If she does not agree, don’t push the matter, and shower alone. Make sure that you’re maintaining good hygiene habits.

Best of luck, and be safe!



Jaden Craymer

Software engineer, creative director, and actor with a psychological disorder. No niche. Just me and my brain.