The Narcissist’s Master Plan: How They Get You To Break Up With Them First

Jaden Craymer
2 min readMar 10, 2023


person covered half face

I’m no expert on psychology, but I think I can shed some light on this dark subject. From someone who has been in a relationship with a narcissist, here’s what I’ve learned about the narcissist’s master plan to get you to break up with them first.

They start off by making big promises, saying all the right things, and making you believe the relationship is going somewhere special. Next, they build up a false sense of hope and admiration from you. They’ll put you on a pedestal, shower you with compliments, and make promises they have no intention of keeping. You start to believe they’ve finally recognized you as the amazing person you are.

But then, without warning, they switch gears. They become distant, evasive, and cruel. They tell you that you’re not good enough, or that they deserve better than you. Suddenly, the instant admiration you felt is gone, replaced with confusion and pain.

At this point, they’ve succeeded in making you feel like you’re the one at fault in the relationship. After all, they seemed so perfect in the beginning. They didn’t give you any indication that things would change, and so you feel responsible for their cruelty and neglect. By creating this atmosphere of self-blame and guilt, they’ve set the stage for you to take the blame if the relationship ends.

The narcissist wants you to break up with them first so that you’ll take the blame and responsibility if things don’t work out. This way, they remain the victim, even if you were the one who was mistreated. It’s a twisted form of psychological manipulation, and it can be particularly damaging for those who are involved with a narcissist.

Now let me offer you some advice: don’t let the narcissist win. Don’t let them manipulate you into believing that they are the injured party if things don’t go their way. It’s important to recognize their tactics and understand that they have no interest in making the relationship work. If you find yourself in a relationship with this type of person, get out as soon as you can.

If you want to avoid these types of manipulative relationships in the future, invest in a wireless noise-canceling headphones. That way, you can focus on the important things like personal growth and healing in complete peace and quiet.



Jaden Craymer

Software engineer, creative director, and actor with a psychological disorder. No niche. Just me and my brain.