Why Fried Chicken Is Not Kosher And How It Almost Killed Me

Jaden Craymer
3 min readMar 25, 2023
person dipping fried cuisine on dip

When I was a kid, I didn’t know what “kosher” meant. All I knew was that fried chicken was the food of the gods. I didn’t care about anything except for the golden, crispy skin and juicy, tender meat that awaited me every time I sunk my teeth into a piece. But one time, fried chicken almost led to my untimely death.

The Forbidden Food

It wasn’t until I was older that I learned that fried chicken is not considered kosher by traditional Jewish law. This means that certain parts of the chicken cannot be consumed by those who follow this religious practice.

Now, as someone who doesn’t practice Judaism or any religion for that matter, I didn’t care much for this concept. For me, fried chicken was life, and anything that threatened that was not to be trusted.

The Life-Changing Incident

One summer day, my friends and I decided to fry some chicken at their place. They lived in an apartment complex, so we couldn’t do it outside. We opened up all the windows, turned on the fan, and started frying up that bird real good.

Fast forward an hour later, and we’re all feeling a little lightheaded. One of us started to cough uncontrollably, and another one was struggling to breathe properly. I, on the other hand, was feeling incredibly queasy and dizzy, as if I had been spinning around on a merry-go-round for hours.

Turns out, we didn’t realize it at the time, but the ventilation in the apartment wasn’t very good, and the smoke from the frying chicken had filled the entire space. We had all managed to inhale smoke for an extended amount of time, and it had made us severely ill.

The Aftermath

That fateful day, we all suffered from what’s known as carbon monoxide poisoning. We all had to be rushed to the hospital and treated for inhalation of the toxic gas. The incident was both scary and life-changing, and it taught me to always be careful when it comes to cooking and frying.

Of course, I haven’t given up on fried chicken — it’s just too good. But I am now much more aware of the safety precautions that should be taken when cooking food indoors.

yellow and black striped road sign

The Takeaway

As someone who has made many mistakes in life, I can assure you that frying chicken in a poorly-ventilated space is not one that you want to make. Follow safety rules and regulations, and always be aware of the risks that come with cooking indoors. And remember — just because something is not “kosher” doesn’t mean it’s not going to kill you.

I hope you found my story informative and entertaining!



Jaden Craymer

Software engineer, creative director, and actor with a psychological disorder. No niche. Just me and my brain.