What is the 10–3–2–1–0 Rule for Sleep?

it’s a pillar of health that too often takes a backseat in our hectic, modern lives. We all know it’s essential, but not everyone understands how to optimise it for better wellness and productivity. Today, I’ll share a nugget of wisdom I’ve gleaned over my decade-plus journey in sleep research: the 10–3–2–1–0 rule for sleep. This easy-to-follow formula might be your ticket to the land of restful dreams and energised mornings. Let’s dive in!

Jade Sleep
3 min readJun 11, 2023
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In a nutshell, the 10–3–2–1–0 rule is a practical guide designed to prep your body and mind for sleep. The rule stipulates specific periods before bedtime during which you should refrain from certain activities or consumption. Here’s the breakdown:

1.10 hours before bed: No more caffeine

2. 3 hours before bed: Stop eating or drinking anything heavy

3. 2 hours before bed: No more work

4. 1 hour before bed: Turn off screens

5. 0: The number of times you hit the snooze button in the morning

Now, let’s look at each aspect of the rule in detail.

10 Hours Before Bed: No More Caffeine

A steaming cup of coffee may be your go-to for that morning or afternoon energy boost, but its effects can linger for up to 10 hours. Consuming caffeine too close to bedtime can interfere with your ability to fall asleep or enjoy deep, restorative sleep. As a general rule, try to have your last caffeinated drink 10 hours before you plan to go to bed.

3 Hours Before Bed: Stop Eating or Drinking Anything Heavy

This part of the rule is designed to aid your digestive system and prevent disturbances during the night. Going to bed immediately after a heavy meal can lead to discomfort, heartburn, and disrupted sleep. Aim to have your last large meal at least 3 hours before bed, and opt for light snacks if you’re peckish later on.

2 Hours Before Bed: No More Work

Work, whether it’s professional or household-related, can be a significant source of stress and mental stimulation. To sleep well, it’s essential to give your brain a chance to wind down and switch off from these activities. By stopping work at least 2 hours before bed, you’re setting the stage for relaxation and priming your body for sleep.

1 Hour Before Bed: Turn off Screens

Electronic screens emit blue light, which can interfere with your body’s production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. To protect your natural sleep rhythm, turn off your screens at least an hour before bed. Instead, consider reading a book, listening to soft music, or practising a relaxation technique like mindfulness or meditation.

0: The Number of Times You Hit the Snooze Button

Finally, the “0” in the 10–3–2–1–0 rule is all about starting your day right. Hitting the snooze button can disrupt your sleep cycle and leave you feeling groggy. Instead, try to wake up with your first alarm, and set a regular wake-up time to help regulate your body’s internal clock.

Remember, the 10–3–2–1–0 rule is a guide, not a rigid set of commands. Everyone’s sleep needs and patterns are different, and what works best for you may vary. However, incorporating these practices into your routine can go a long way towards improving your sleep quality and overall health.



Jade Sleep

Jade Sleep is a adjustable bed, mattress, and pillow manufacturing company.