US Politics

Is Harris really the Presumptive Nominee? & “Independents” are fake.

Delving into the weird dynamics of American political parties and all of their labels.

Jade Thea Kleeh
3 min readAug 1, 2024


Kamala Harris on the phone with Justin Trudeau

Is Kamala Harris really the Presumptive Nominee? No… Well sort of.

Kamala Harris is not the democratic nominee for president, nor is she the presumptive nominee. But what is she then? Lets quickly break down what those terms mean.

Nominee: The party (for Kamala Harris, the Democrats) has officially nominated you at the party convention (the DNC is in mid-august). Donald Trump is the nominee because at the RNC he officially received enough votes from enough delegates (the majority) to the convention. Chase Oliver is the nominee because he accrued enough votes at the Libertarian party convention to become the nominee.

Presumptive Nominee: You have won enough delegates in the primaries so you will become the nominee when the convention comes. Jill stein is the presumptive nominee because she won enough Green party primaries to be it. However she has not been formally nominated yet because the Green party convention is yet to take place.



Jade Thea Kleeh

The lighter, niche quirks and darker, social injustices of American politics and society. All delved into with just the slightest bit of what i hope is "wit".