Zrocor Solves Problems into Opportunities

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4 min readApr 16, 2019


Have you ever known, that our ancestors used to go or move to a place where they used constellations as a guide and also determine the right time to plant crops. Unlike today, people only have to download digital map applications and GPS technology as a wind direction. Why can you switch? Because the era continues to evolve and evolve so that humans must think hard to be able to find technology that is accurate and precise. So that we as a young generation today just enjoy and develop it again.

Unwittingly, everyday problems like this are also made by people as opportunities for business. For example, such as the use of star up technology that has entered almost all areas of human needs in general. Star up was first present in the United States as a gathering place for leading technology companies. Such as search engine for all Google information, Facebook social media services, and information search engines in the form of Youtube videos. This is not very surprising, because internet history is also from the research of this superpower. But even though at this time, the three platforms or star ups are so developed. The process is still needed in the manufacturing phase. Although everyone also knows the founders — founders have been educated at various world renowned universities such as Mark Zuikerberg, the founder of Facebook. This certainly makes some people feel insecure about their ability to build star ups.

Therefore Zrocor as a platform based on blockchain technology presents several services that can help beginners to build a star up. As the main objective of this platform is to enhance the sense of professionalism and a sense of optimism of both experienced and novice entrepreneurs to build a star up that matches the interests and talents that users have. Before the users were guided how to build a star up, the platform provided a bit of background problems in building a star up. The background of this problem is presented from the results of various expert studies and analyzes. Among them are:

  1. Marketing problem
    Many beginners have an interest in starting a business, but they forget to do an in-depth analysis of actual market demand. For example, the construction of non-sharia hotels was built in Islamic sharia regions. Seen in plain view, the hotel business is indeed a promising and sustainable business, but if it is not in accordance with the laws and customs of the surrounding community, the hotel might go bankrupt. Likewise, star up is not only from the economic aspects and benefits that are considered but also social and cultural aspects which must also be explored further.
  2. Capital problems
    As we know to build a business, strong capital is needed. Strong capital is needed to overcome if at any time the business fails. This is very natural for business beginners who will repeat mistakes many times.
  3. Selection of people who are not right
    We know that, choosing people who have high loyalty is not easy. It is necessary for people or teams who have a high patriot spirit, so that in doing their jobs, they are not always oriented to money or salary. But more to a sense of responsibility and satisfaction if the project is successfully executed.

The problems that commonly occur above certainly will not be avoided by entrepreneurs, because with these problems will train entrepreneurs to further improve performance and anticipate other problems that will come. Therefore to minimize or reduce risk, Zrocor offers a number of solutions including:

  1. Establish effective communication between the founder and the team and the platform with the community. The types of star up services that are built are indeed the thoughts of the founders, but that does not mean that the teams should not take part in conveying their ideas and ideas. This platform will train users to be able to appreciate the ideas and ideas of the team so that harmony can be created which leads to an increase in the performance of all the components involved.

We know that not all people understand the use of technology, therefore this is a major task for teams to be able to explain products in languages ​​that are understood by the wider community.

2. The Zrocor platform also provides financial management services that are fast, precise and accurate and guarantee that there is no delay or damage to the server system when many users access.

3. Zrocor’s services also enable beginners to meet experienced star up entrepreneurs so they can share new ideas and innovations.

Every entrepreneur must always be alert in reading opportunities. Like finding solutions to everyday problems and making it a beneficial business opportunity for all parties.

More information:

Website: https://zrocor.com/
White paper: https://zrocor.com/whitepaper/zrocor-white-paper/
Telegram: https://t.me/zrocortalk
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZROCOR
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zrocor

ETH: 0xc3047D61078D8A0D9A70B8B1aA8811656c6A01F3

