Zaio Project: Rent-A-Car app

Jadon Paulse
2 min readSep 14, 2020


I am a Zaio developer trainee and am currently participating in a Zaio training program (the 12-month program).

I have been tasked with creating a Rent-A-Car website.


I have been working on a Rent-a-Car website where I had to apply my HTML and CSS skills.

Details of Project

The project required me to create 7 webpages that had no functionality at all besides navigating to the next or previous page.

The 7 screens were:

landing page(Advertises the rent-a-car business)



listings page(shows different cars that can be rented out)

bookingCar page(shows the user details of the car, user ratings and allows user to select a start and end date)

payments page(user can enter card details to make payments

dashboard(shows a list of cards on current booking and previous bookings)

Design of project

I used to create a wireframe of each page I was going to do, after the wireframe of the second page, I had the layout of all the pages figured out in my head.

Each webpage followed the same card layout as the first wireframe but was changed to fit with what each webpage needed.


I learned that CSS profile cards can be used for multiple design purposes and how media queries affect each screen differently.

The live version of project

The GitHub repo

Done by Jadon Paulse, Zaio Group 2, 12 month program, 2020

