Jae Christina Kim
4 min readApr 22, 2018


In 1964 Archizoom associate’s members Andrea Branzi, Gilberto Corretti, Paolo Deganello, and Massimo Morozzi, met each other at University of Florence whilst studying architecture. They were wanting more work and general unproductive images in the architecture professions. Then the students decided to take further actions by putting themselves into a group which other students were also doing it as well. Other than Archizoom there were other groups like UFO and Superstudio. Even though Archizoom were not very well known, however, it is said to be that they are most influential group.

Archizoom is a group where they have initially started with product design like the safari chair and with the pop-art inspired furnishings.

No-stop city was built in a way that there are no structure or was not built in a way of not having the unnecessary spaces within the city. No-stop city is unbuilt project which only has drawings and photos which are very interesting to have a look at. According to AJ Artemel’s journal Reterospective: Archizoom and No stop city, there were clearly endless grids for drawing, and natural features of the city around us.

In the No-Stop City, it is clearly observed that there are only the things people essentially need throughout the day, with natural resources they live in (just like campers).

Figure 1: Image of BRANZI’s No Stop City representing the chairs that people can sit on.

In the Journal, Retrospective: Archizoom and No-stop city Branzi quotes: ‘ “The idea of an inexpressive, catatonic architecture, outcome of the expansive forms of logic of the system and its class antagonists, was the only form of modern architecture of interest to us… “

In this assignment, I have used the motherboard, the main part of the CPU like the typewriter. In figure 2, it shows the picture of the motherboard and the complexity of it. However, within the complexity, there is parts on the motherboard that once you understand the concept and where each part needs, then easier the understanding of the motherboard.

Figure 2: Figure 2: Shows the Image of a motherboard, from

In the sketches, UTS main building was chosen for a classroom setting where students can sit in a classroom with the projector beam, and using computers instead of note books to take notes.

In the sketches I have been inspired by the motherboard which was very similar to No Stop City’s typewriter. I have experimented with the endless perspective vs. simple drawing.

In the sketches the ground level has used the endless perspective where there is no end to the classroom equipment, and the room itself, where as in level 1 and 2 in figure 3, it shows the simplicity of a classroom setting.

Figure 3: Sketches of the classroom building to show endless perspective vs simple.

Figure 4 shows the image of the Motherboard on the side where you can see the details of the USB ports and other important ports which looked like buildings.

Figure 4: Motherboard standing on side, and the ports looks like the buildings within the city.
Figure 5: Photo by Archizoom Associati “Non stop city internal landscape” 1970

As a conclusion Archizoom had a very strong political message in their architecture work. They were wanting to make a Utopia city where there is freedom and featureless where any person in the city can be anything and anyone they want.

In this assignment it was quite interesting to learn about the architects from the past. I felt that 1 page wasn’t always enough for the drawing. Even though I am not so strong on drawing, I had lots of interesting ways of being able to express my own work inspired by Archizoom. For the next assignment I would like to experiment and to read more about the architects and their techniques.


Figure 6: 1st sketch done on Sketch up 2017
Figure 7: Sketch done on Sketch up 2017
Figure 8: Process drawing 3
Figure 9: Daft Sketching Process
Figure 10: Draft Sketching Process

I have added the process drawing of the final work. As part of the reflection I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to use the Sketch up drawings because the file was getting to big and wasn’t able to access the files for edit anything because my computers were not able to support the drawings. Next time round i am hoping to use the school’s computer to make a 3D drawing and take the next step further by using the computer to support my ideas.

