The Three-Body Problem Review: Humanity’s Biggest Threat Isn’t Aliens, It’s Us

Jaed Grande Delosa
4 min readMay 5, 2024


The series is not just your visually-filled sci-fi series, it’s a mind-bending story of hypothetical ideas

Forget the sugar-coated space operas and zero existential dread. Netflix’s “The Three-Body Problem” is a sci-fi mind-meld unlike any other.

This captivating review of the Netflix series takes you on a wild cosmic ride, challenging everything you thought you knew.

A Universe of Intrigue: A Message from Hell

The story unfolds on a multi-layered canvas. We meet Ye Wenjie, an astrophysics student haunted by a dark past that becomes a pivotal point for humanity.

The series’ Ye Wenjie

Meanwhile, messages arrive from a distant civilization — the Trisolarans. Their home planet, a three-bodied world, is a chaotic hellhole with a sun that fluctuates wildly between scorching heat and freezing cold.

This brutal reality shapes the Trisolarans into a ruthless and pragmatic society, desperate for survival in their unstable world.

“The series doesn’t shy away from complex first-contact scenarios.”

The Trisolarans’ three-bodied world fosters a civilization that prioritizes survival above all else, even if it means resorting to deception and brutality.

This chilling reality throws humanity into an existential crisis: how do we respond to an alien civilization willing to do anything to ensure their survival, even if it means wiping us out?

Facing Our Flaws in the Face of Annihilation

The Three-Body Problem doesn’t offer easy answers. It paints a stark picture of humanity struggling with self-interest, political division, and the potential for manipulation. The arrival of the Trisolarans acts as a mirror reflecting our flaws as a species.

Political aspects of being thrown as a heretic

The narrative explores the rise of the Wallfacers, a radical movement led by the enigmatic Yang Dong. The Wallfacers believe that humanity’s only hope lies in collaboration with the Trisolarans, a controversial stance that divides society.

This unflinching portrayal of humanity’s internal struggles might be uncomfortable viewing for some.

However, it’s precisely this exploration that makes the series so compelling. The Three-Body Problem challenges viewers to confront the question of whether humanity is even capable of uniting in the face of an existential threat.

Where Science Fiction Meets Philosophy

The Three-Body Problem isn’t just about spaceships and laser battles. The series delves headfirst into complex scientific concepts, challenging viewers to grapple with the mind-bending possibilities of physics beyond our current understanding.

The Trisolaran messages introduce humanity to concepts like chaos theory and Trisolaran physics, pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible.

Trisolaran physics is another possible reality to explore

While these concepts might leave some viewers scratching their heads, they add a layer of intellectual depth to the narrative.

“The series doesn’t shy away from the philosophical questions raised by first contact. “

What does it mean to be human in the face of an alien civilization that operates under completely different physical and societal constraints? What lengths are we willing to go to in order to ensure our survival?

A Visually Striking Universe (With a Raw Aesthetic)

The series’ visuals are a mixed bag. While the special effects depicting the chaotic Trisolaran world are impressive, some viewers might find the overall aesthetic a bit rough around the edges.

The series doesn’t have the same Hollywood blockbuster polish as some other sci-fi offerings.

However, the visuals serve a purpose beyond aesthetics. The stark and sometimes gritty depiction of the narrative reflects the underlying themes of the series.

This is not a story about a glorious future utopia or a triumphant human resistance. It’s a desperate struggle for survival in a universe that doesn’t care about our ideals.

A Series that Leaves You Pondering: A Must-Watch for Sci-Fi Aficionados (Even the Cynical Ones)

The Three-Body Problem might not be for everyone. The slow-burn pacing, complex scientific concepts, and unflinching portrayal of humanity’s flaws can be challenging for viewers seeking a light and escapist experience.

“But for those who crave a sci-fi show that challenges them intellectually and emotionally, this is a must-watch.”

It’s a brutal ballet with the cosmos, a story that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about humanity, the universe, and our place in it all.

