Unveiling the Symbolism of “Aerials” by System of a Down

Jaed Grande Delosa
3 min readNov 4, 2023

Music has a unique ability to convey emotions, tell stories, and explore complex themes. System of a Down, the Armenian-American rock band known for its eclectic and socially charged music, has produced numerous songs that are celebrated for their thought-provoking lyrics and intricate compositions.

Among their most iconic tracks is “Aerials,” a song that blends compelling melodies with profound symbolism. In this article, we’ll delve into the rich layers of symbolism within “Aerials” and explore the deeper meanings hidden within its lyrics and music.

The child in the music video

The Veil of the Sky

The title itself, “Aerials,” serves as a fitting entry point into the song’s symbolism. The term “aerials” can be seen as a metaphor for the limitless sky and the boundless possibilities it represents. In this context, the sky becomes a symbol of freedom, dreams, and the pursuit of something greater than oneself.

It’s a theme that resonates with many people, as the idea of reaching for the skies has long been associated with ambition, hope, and the human spirit’s yearning for something beyond the mundane.

“Life is a waterfall, we’re one in the river, and one again after the fall”

These opening lines in the song set the stage for a narrative of unity, interconnectedness, and the cyclical nature of life. The reference to life as a waterfall and people as a part of the river underscores the idea that all individuals are connected and, in the grand scheme of things, play their part in the flow of life. This concept echoes Buddhist and Taoist philosophies, which emphasize the interconnectedness of all living beings.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up”

Throughout the song, the repeated call to “wake up” can be interpreted as a plea for people to become more aware of their surroundings and the world at large. It’s an encouragement to break free from the daily grind and the constraints of society, urging individuals to open their eyes and see the bigger picture.

“Over the rooftops, run away, left me in the vacuum of my heart”

The idea of running away over rooftops symbolizes a desire for escapism, to break free from the mundane and find a place of solitude. This sentiment can be seen as a reflection of the band’s own experiences as descendants of Armenian genocide survivors and the longing for a homeland that they may never fully know.

With the band’s lead singer, Serj Tankian

Symbolism in the Music

The music itself in “Aerials” is instrumental in conveying its symbolic message. The song’s structure, with its dynamic shifts between gentle verses and powerful choruses, mirrors the ebb and flow of life, further reinforcing the song’s themes of unity and interconnectedness.

The guitar work by Daron Malakian and the vocals of Serj Tankian create an atmosphere of both tension and release. The heavy guitar riffs and the passionate delivery of the lyrics serve as a sonic representation of the inner turmoil and longing for something greater. This juxtaposition of soft and heavy elements within the music captures the dual nature of existence and the push-pull between freedom and constraint.

Wrap Up

“Aerials” by System of a Down is a song brimming with symbolism that encourages its listeners to reflect on life’s deeper meanings. Through its lyrical themes of unity, interconnectedness, and the desire for freedom, and the use of music to emphasize the emotional journey, the song becomes a powerful piece of art.

It resonates with those who yearn for something beyond the ordinary, encouraging us all to “wake up” and see the boundless possibilities that lie above, beyond the confines of everyday life. In this way, “Aerials” serves as a poignant reminder of the profound and universal aspects of the human experience.

