15 Motivational Wallpapers That Will Inspire You

Jae Johns
6 min readNov 4, 2019


Motivational wallpapers are an amazing way to keep your mind on the prize. Surrounding yourself with motivational images is a great way to remain focused.

These images will remind you that you are ready to take on any challenge. Don’t let anything come between you and your dreams. You deserve to have them, and only you can make it happen.

If you’re interested in other inspirational content, check out the following:

1. Focus On Your Victory Wallpaper

— This motivational wallpaper is perfect for helping you remember that you can’t measure your life by someone else’s success.

It is easy to focus on what everyone else is doing. This wallpaper is here to remind you that your life is your own and so is your success.

2. Work Harder Wallpaper

— There are moments when you just want a boost. This motivational wallpaper is perfect for making sure that you remember that. We can always do a little more, and this wallpaper is here to remind you.

3. Keep Your Eyes On The Road Wallpaper

— This wallpaper is perfectly inspiring for any journey. It shows off that a little hard work can make the journey sweet.

As this individual heads off into the unknown, they are sure of foot. We should all aim to be like this as we move ahead. The world is ours to explore, and the grand journey awaits.

4. Try Again Fail Better Wallpaper

— There are moments where we need to remember that failure is okay. Failure is a part of the process.

This motivational wallpaper is ready to kick you into gear. Don’t be afraid to fail. Next time, fail better.

5. Make This Day Great Wallpaper

— Sometimes you just need some extra good energy. This wallpaper is here to check your priorities. With a cheerful reminder of what we can all bring to a day, you’ll love this.

It’s an excellent example of bringing a positive attitude for a better outcome. You’ll love this burst of positivity.

6. Touch The Sky Wallpaper

— This is one amazing wallpaper that you’ll love on your screen. It brings a beautiful image and uplifting spirit.

We should all aim to touch the sky. Our only chance at finding true happiness lies in us being brave.

7. Do Not Give Up Wallpaper

— Along the way, we all need a little motivation. Trying is hard. Life is hard. Our goals take hard work and effort.

This is a reminder to keep moving on when you want to stop. It’s important to remember that your goals are worth it. You are worth it.

If you enjoy these motivational wallpapers, check out 30 free motivational wallpapers, here.

8. Never Lose Hope Wallpaper

— There are moments when it all seems to fall apart. Sometimes we chase goals and the progress just isn’t there. Sometimes we experience setbacks.

These are all a part of the process. We must never lose hope. You must keep your eyes on the goal. Even when it is hard, just keep going. You’ll be glad that you did.

9. Dream Big Wallpaper

— It is easy to forget how capable we are. Sometimes we get stuck in the day today. This wallpaper is perfect for helping you to find your bliss.

Dream big. Take risks. Find what you want to chase and go for it. This is how you will find a fulfilling life.

10. I Can Wallpaper

— Sometimes it feels like you can’t. This wallpaper is here to remind you that you can. It is perfect for helping you to adjust your mentality.

You’ll love the way that this wallpaper reminds you to gain a new perspective. Even when life feels hard, you can do it. Chasing your goals is always worth the extra effort.

11. Nobody Is Perfect Wallpaper

— Sometimes the motivation you need is telling yourself that it’s okay to be you. This reminder that nobody is perfect and everyone is different is great.

It’s easy to hold yourself to unfair standards. We all do it. Fortunately, this wallpaper is here to grant you forgiveness. Allow yourself to make mistakes. It is always going to be the right decision. Nobody is perfect and that’s okay.

12. Don’t Give Up Wallpaper

— It’s easy to get demotivated. Fortunately, this motivational wallpaper won’t let that happen. You’re going to hit snags. You’re going to mess up.

Things are going to get hard. All that matters is that you don’t let that stop you. Keep going and you’ll be glad that you did.

13. Keep Smiling And Carry On Wallpaper

— When things get hard, it’s easy to get discouraged. We all have the voice in our head that’s asks us to quit.

This motivational wallpaper won’t let you do that. It encourages us all to keep going and keep smoking. This makes it perfect for staying motivated.

14. Believe You Can Succeed Wallpaper

— For many people, deciding to start is half the battle. It is easy to feel like we can’t reach our dreams. It’s simple to think that they are too far away or too big for us.

The fact of the matter is we should all be taking steps forward to find what works for us. You have to believe in yourself before you get started. Don’t miss out on your next big chance to do something great.

15. Live The Life You’ve Dreamed Wallpaper

— We all deserve the life of our dreams. This wallpaper is here to remind you to chase them down. It is designed to encourage you to find your dreams and live them out.

We spend time scared and uncomfortable, but that’s all a part of the process. Don’t forget to keep chasing your dreams down. You deserve to live them.

If you enjoy these motivational wallpapers, check out 30 free motivational wallpapers, here.


The right wallpaper can do a lot for keeping you motivated. Think of these images as a way to remind yourself why you are working hard.

They are testaments to your need to keep going to chase your dreams. We all want to live the dream, but sometimes we need the reminder to get moving. Try these to keep you pressing on!

Do you have any inspirational wallpapers that you like?



Jae Johns

Share my insights and experiences to help you become a successful creative and make a full time income doing it. More at jaejohns.com/blog