Jea Kik
7 min readOct 26, 2022

UN chief António Guterres: “Humanity faces ‘collective suicide’ over climate crisis!”

António Guterres: “We have a choice. Collective action or collective suicide. It is in our hands.”

This is a historically completely new situation, which cannot be solved with old ways of thinking and acting.. Nor by hoping that others will find solutions and trying to do so with protest and civil disobedience….

Here are some, for a survival crucial questions, that this core problem of our time is discussed and solutions are found in the near future, which work in the short term….

‘Questions about the role of the world monetary system / world financial system in this global crisis situation’

‘What it comes down to now — the role of the 500 largest companies !’

Concrete answers and/or identified solutions to the core problem are urgently needed..!

It is now about the right global-structural foundation laying to be able to lead the planetary fight for survival accordingly..!!

Only after a quick system change, or change of mankind’s organizational basis, could e.g. the automobile manufacturers produce millions of DAC (Direct Air Capture) modules instead of millions of automobiles, with corresponding power supply via CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) plants to be built simultaneously in desert areas, as the essential element for a new regenerative energy system for the Global North as well as for the Global South, could many industries produce irrigation and rain systems for the forests of this world, could billions of renaturation and ecologization projects be started around the globe — partly by the armies of this world, which then no longer stand against each other, can the oceans be freed as far as possible from plastic and other litter, including nuclear toxic waste, can the industries in the world be extensively modified in the sense of sustainability or partly . if they are no longer needed due to the system change, such as e.g. armament industries and the like — can be shut down….

E.g. that the large digital companies — like SAP in Germany or others in America, China, Russia, etc., which today already ensure that the large as well as smaller companies organize themselves globally or only regionally — sit down together worldwide and lay the foundation for a pure ‘global network society & economy’, whereby the internal networks of the companies — including and especially those of the 500 major corporations — are interconnected, as well as these are linked with networks for the civil life yet to be developed….

Whereby, first in a virtual simulation the local, regional and world-wide need — for nearly 8 billion humans — is determined, as first in regard to the existentially necessary basic needs, like: Drinking water, food, digital and communication means, real estate and dwellings, energy consumption, health care, clothing, etc., as well as a need beyond that, such as tourism, etc..

Which is visible for all people, for all companies and businesses, so that the companies in cooperation with their suppliers discuss and present how much of this need and in which region they can cover and satisfy, as well as the political systems accordingly in each case locally/municipally, regionally, supra-regionally, globally manage and make decisions, e.g. to what extent planetary boundaries and a sustainability in terms of raw materials and resources are achieved and respected, to what extent the rescue, stabilization and preservation of the natural and ecosystems is progressing, e.g. a gigantic greenhouse gas sequestration from the troposphere, as well as a liberation of the oceans, rivers and land masses as far as possible from all plastic, toxic waste and other impurities and pollution, how hunger can be ended worldwide as soon as possible and how the Global South can be developed, how questions of distribution can be regulated — with regard to the additional demand, if this is not sufficiently covered, possibly by means of lottery systems, etc., etc.

If this simulation is matured so far, as well as it forms a kind of safety net for the collapses to be expected, and people at the same time realize about it that the world would function on a pure network basis, this could be put into function — possibly after a world referendum held — by a kind of ‘world.currency reform’ at a defined deadline in the near future, and (only) thereupon synchronous and collective steps can be taken swiftly and unhindered, which correspond to this highest alarm level in which we find ourselves in reality….

Furthermore, it would be important that, similar to the action against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a disaster team of political decision-makers, scientists, decision-makers in the business world, responsible persons in media institutions and journalists, formed the public awareness to a sufficient extent, analyzed, prepared and introduced appropriate — in the sense of containing the pandemic — measures, that this now happens in a similar way against the climate catastrophe as well as the ecological collapse globally coordinated and simultaneously. . whereby the measures must be here, somewhat differently, altogether however (unfortunately) much more far-reaching…

It would also be a matter of confronting the so-called elites with it and of convincing them that they, just like all people, can achieve survival through it, if they directly advance this great human project and support it with all available means, namely the fastest possible establishment of a pure ‘global network economy + society’…

In the dimensions and at the speed at which we must now, all together act glocal (local-global), this is crucial for planetary survival…..

It is now the historically last chance to still make a difference on an appropriate scale with the considerable influence that the elites have…. In the not too distant future, money and the influence and opportunity it brings will no longer matter….

What is certain is that the monetary system does not allow any significant struggle for survival, which means that at an uncertain point in time all financial assets, stocks & securities, all property, all material values and precious objects, finally even life itself will lose all value…
Think about that and keep it in mind…..

See also here: Earth Odyssey 2nd Webinar — Voices of Wisdom — The 1972- 2022 Obstacles to Sustainable Development. / 08.07.2022 [] (from min. 35:15)


Further elaboration on this | Weitere Ausarbeitungen hierzu:

PS: In the elaborations are research works on worst-case scenarios included.. for sure it is better to delay, stop and avert them, the risk of what is at stake is simply much too big.. our planetary lifeworld and human existence..!

Most important message of all times (in the history of humanity)
Wichtigste Mitteilung aller Zeiten (in der Geschichte der Menschheit)

On the threat situation of the world…
[] ;
as audio text: []
Zur Bedrohungssituation und Lage der Welt

Ecological collapse and humane civilization!
Ökologischer Kollaps und humane Zivilisation

Survival war measures of Humanity — Our last ditch hope !
[] ;
as audio text: []
Maßnahmen im Überlebenskrieg der Menschheit — Unsere letzte Hoffnung !

Questions about the role of the world monetary system / world financial system
Fragen zur Rolle des monetären Weltsystems / Weltfinanzsystems

Why it is impossible to save our existence while maintaining the monetary world system !
Warum es unmöglich ist in Beibehaltung des monetären Weltsystems unsere Existenz zu retten !

‘What it comes down to now — the role of the 500 largest companies !’
‘Worauf es jetzt ankommt — die Rolle der 500 größten Unternehmen !’

Questions about the transition & transformation of the world society in this global crisis situation!
Fragestellungen zur Transition & Transformation der Weltgesellschaft

The Core Problem — Political Systems / Citizens’ Assemblies — World Referendum !
Das Kernproblem, Politische Systeme / Bürger:innenversammlungen, Weltreferendum

The world financial system, the expected collapses and the right strategy
Das Weltfinanzsystem, die zu erwartenden Einbrüche und die richtige Strategie

Save our planet — Save our existence !
Rettet unseren Planeten ! Rettet unsere Existenz !

What our world might look like in 2030 ! (A positive version)
Wie unsere Welt 2030 aussehen könnte ! (Eine positive Version)

Response to #FaceTheClimateEmergency
Circular: Climate catastrophe — Game over for mankind !?
Verteiler: Klimakatastrophe — Game over für die Menschheit !?

Climate catastrophe — Game Over for mankind!? — Ethical question! |
Klimakatastrophe — Game Over für die Menschheit!? Ethische Frage!

Neustart:Klima — Globale Allianz für ein planetares Überleben !

Mailschreiben Professor Niko Paech (Postwachstumsökonomie) und weitere Korrespondenzen

Zur Fehleinschätzung mit einer Weltbevölkerungsreduzierung die humane Existenz zu retten!

Criticism on the presentation of the established science & the IPCC on the actual hazardous situation !
Kritik an der Darstellung etablierter Wissenschaft & des IPCC zur tatsächlichen Gefährdungslage !

Initiative: 2030 Climate Target Plan | Feedback reference: F511262 | Submitted by Jochen Kik | User type: EU citizen | Country of origin: Germany | 08.04.2020

Cross-references & allegories | Querverweise & Allegorien:
Vimeo & YouTube-Channel: Jea K

It is uploaded here as a promotional project and one can contact me via this platform:
Es ist hier als ein Förderprojekt hochgeladen und man kann mich über diese Plattform kontaktieren:

Initiative Global Alliance Pro Survival

PS: All created texts and ideas are completely ‘free content’. If parts of them or even all are liked, passages can be copied, used and declared as his or her own. That would even be great.

Now and in the future, as this is currently the question of survival, it is no longer a matter of representatives, shining lights and leadership personalities, but of swarm initiatives, impulses, developments, networking, intelligence, behavior, activities, and that the reality in the perceived truth is correctly recognized, processed and created…!