Is Runescape 3 still worth playing after major transformations in 2023?

5 min readSep 6, 2023


In 2023, RuneScape 3 has undergone significant transformations, introducing the innovative combat style of necromancy and allowing players to toggle PvP in the Wilderness. With both new and seasoned adventurers exploring the ever-evolving world of Gielinor, this article delves into the game’s latest updates and its current state. From the pros and cons of RuneScape 3’s gameplay to the nuances of its combat styles, we’ll guide you through the immersive experience that awaits in this iconic MMORPG.

Necromancy: A Game-Changing Combat Style

One of the most significant updates in 2023 is the introduction of necromancy, a brand-new combat style. Unlike summoning, which serves as a supportive skill, necromancy is a standalone combat style that deals damage. It’s easy to get started with necromancy right from the moment you log into the game.

Necromancy also offers a unique twist — you can earn some of the best experience per hour through skilling. Rituals play a crucial role in leveling up this skill. These rituals involve setting up altars with various runescape items and candles, enchanting specific items, and contributing to the Well of Souls, among other things. Even if you prefer combat-focused gameplay, you’ll still need to engage in rituals for various reasons.

The Well of Souls functions as a talent tree for necromancy, allowing you to spend Talent points earned through combat to unlock abilities and enhancements. Necromancy offers a diverse range of abilities, including summoning undead allies and casting powerful incantations.

One notable aspect of necromancy is its accessibility. It’s easier to achieve effective results with necromancy compared to other combat styles, making it more player-friendly. The community’s feedback suggests that necromancy should become the new standard for RuneScape 3 combat, promising a more straightforward and enjoyable combat experience.

PvP Wilderness Toggle

In a significant move, RuneScape 3 now allows players to toggle PvP off entirely in the Wilderness. This change caters to players who may not be interested in PvP combat, offering them a more peaceful gaming experience. The presence of Valor, an NPC near the Wilderness Stitch, makes this toggle accessible to all players.

This change has revitalized the Wilderness, with more monsters, quests, and hourly flash events. Players can now teleport freely within the Wilderness without teleblock restrictions beyond certain levels, providing greater convenience.

Removal of the Duel Arena

The Duel Arena, once a prominent feature, has been completely removed from the game. It’s been replaced by Het’s Oasis, an entirely new area that brings fresh quests, storylines, and skilling opportunities. The removal of the Duel Arena was primarily driven by concerns related to real-money trading, gambling, and scamming associated with it.

Max Cash Stack Increase

In a quality-of-life update, the maximum cash stack in RuneScape 3 has been increased from slightly over 2.1 billion to a staggering 2.1 quintillion. This change was necessary due to the high value of certain items that exceeded the old gold cap. The increased cap ensures that players can use the Grand Exchange for most transactions without any issues.

The Expansive World of RuneScape 3

RuneScape 3’s world is constantly evolving, which can be overwhelming for returning players. However, the quest log’s sorting feature can help you navigate this vast world more effectively. Sorting quests by release date, length, or lore period can guide your exploration.

Quests remain an excellent starting point for returning players, offering engaging stories and clear objectives. RuneScape’s unique questing system allows you to experience various storylines in an order that makes sense to you. Whether you prefer solo play or group activities, RuneScape 3 accommodates both playstyles.

Gameplay and Combat Styles

RuneScape 3 offers a variety of combat styles, each with its own unique characteristics. There are three primary combat settings:

  1. Legacy: Similar to Old School RuneScape, it involves clicking and letting your character auto-attack.
  2. Revolution (Revo): This setting automates the use of abilities according to their order on your action bar. It’s a good entry point for players new to RuneScape 3’s combat.
  3. Manual: The most advanced setting, where you have complete control over your abilities, timing, and strategy. It’s essential for high-level PvM content.

The combat system in RuneScape 3 can feel clunky and complex, especially for newcomers. However, the introduction of necromancy and improvements in combat mechanics are positive steps toward making combat more accessible and enjoyable.

Graphics and Art Style

RuneScape 3’s graphics and art style are a mix of old and new. While the game has received graphical updates over the years, some older models can appear dated when compared to newer content. However, RuneScape 3’s use of different skyboxes and the sheer size of the world add depth to the gaming experience.

Pros and Cons

  • + RuneScape 3 offers a vast and immersive world with thousands of hours of content.
  • + Quests are unique and engaging, providing a sense of progression.
  • + The introduction of necromancy and other skills keeps the game fresh.
  • + The ability to toggle PvP in the Wilderness caters to various player preferences.
  • + The removal of the Duel Arena addresses issues related to real-money trading and gambling.
  • + The increased max cash stack simplifies in-game transactions.
  • + The game’s soundtrack is extensive and immersive.
  • + RuneScape 3 accommodates solo players and group activities.
  • - Microtransactions (MTX) are prevalent in the game, though they are avoidable.
  • - The art style can feel inconsistent due to older models.
  • - The player character’s appearance refresh project has been delayed, leaving player avatars less appealing.
  • - Older combat styles can feel clunky and lack clarity.
  • - The user interface and options menu are complex and challenging for newcomers.


As of 2023, RuneScape 3 remains a compelling and enjoyable MMORPG, with several notable updates and improvements. The introduction of necromancy and the option to toggle PvP in the Wilderness are just a few examples of the game’s evolution. While RuneScape 3 is not without its flaws, including the presence of microtransactions and occasional graphical inconsistencies, it offers a wealth of content and long-term character progression.

Whether you’re a new player or a returning adventurer, RuneScape 3’s vast and ever-changing world is sure to provide you with hours of exploration and adventure. So, if you’re seeking a casual and grind-friendly MMORPG with rich storytelling, RuneScape 3 is worth considering in 2023.

So, will you embark on a new adventure in RuneScape 3 this year? The decision is yours, and the world of Gielinor awaits your exploration.

