Preparing for Mediation of your Family Law Case

Jafari Law and Mediation Office
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


Preparing for mediation is a crucial step in the divorce process, as it sets the stage for a more amicable and efficient resolution. Mediation allows both parties to discuss and negotiate the terms of their divorce, including child custody, property division, and financial arrangements, in a less adversarial environment than court. Proper preparation can significantly impact the outcome, ensuring that you are ready to engage in productive discussions and make informed decisions. Here’s how to get started:

Understand the Mediation Process

Begin by familiarizing yourself with how mediation works. Knowing the structure of mediation sessions, the role of the mediator, and what to expect can help reduce anxiety and promote a constructive mindset. Mediators facilitate communication between parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement but do not make decisions for you.

Identify Your Goals and Needs

Clearly define what you hope to achieve through mediation. Consider your priorities and any non-negotiables, whether they relate to child custody arrangements, financial support, or the division of assets. Understanding your own needs and goals is crucial for effective negotiation.

Gather Relevant Documentation

Collect all necessary documentation that will be relevant to the mediation process. This includes financial records, property deeds, tax returns, and any other documents related to your assets, debts, and income. Having these documents organized and readily available will streamline the mediation process.

Consider Your Children’s Needs

If children are involved, their well-being should be at the forefront of your preparation. Think about their current and future needs, including living arrangements, education, and emotional support. Prepare to discuss and negotiate a parenting plan that serves their best interests.

Practice Open Communication

Mediation relies on the ability to communicate openly and respectfully. Consider practicing active listening and clear, assertive communication. Being prepared to express your needs and concerns effectively can lead to more productive negotiations.

Prepare Emotionally

Mediation can be emotionally taxing. It’s important to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the discussions ahead. This might involve seeking support from a therapist, counselor, or support group to process your feelings and develop coping strategies.

Consult with an Attorney

While mediation is designed to be a collaborative process, consulting with an attorney beforehand can provide valuable legal guidance. An attorney can help you understand your rights, prepare your case, and advise on legal strategies, ensuring that you are fully informed when making decisions.

Use a Checklist

To ensure you have everything you need for mediation, using a checklist can be incredibly helpful. A comprehensive checklist will remind you of the documents to gather, topics to consider, and preparations to make before your sessions. For specific areas of your divorce, refer to these detailed checklists on our website:

- Divorce Mediation Checklist
- Child Custody Mediation Checklist
- Property Division Mediation Checklist

These checklists are designed to ensure you’re thoroughly prepared for mediation, covering all aspects of your divorce to facilitate smoother negotiations.

Proper preparation for mediation can make a significant difference in the efficiency and outcome of your divorce proceedings. By understanding the process, identifying your goals, gathering necessary documents, and emotionally and legally preparing yourself, you can approach mediation with confidence. Utilizing a checklist to organize your preparations can further enhance your readiness, ensuring that nothing is overlooked. With the right preparation, mediation can be a productive step toward a new beginning.



Jafari Law and Mediation Office

Jafari Law and Mediation Office has over 20 years of experience providing excellent legal representation and mediation services.