¡Embárcate en una misión con Push Protocol! 🔔¡Web3, estamos listos para despegar! Hoy, estamos lanzando un nuevo programa para que nuestra comunidad se involucre más con el protocolo…May 8, 2023May 8, 2023
Recreando los canales de comunicación de la Web2 en la Web3 usando Push👥La capacidad de comunicarse efectivamente con los usuarios es un aspecto crucial de cualquier aplicación o servicio descentralizado. Es…May 8, 2023May 8, 2023
Push lanza video chat de billetera a billetera 📹Push Video ya esta disponible, permitiendo a los usuarios de web3 video chatear sin intermediarios.Apr 13, 2023Apr 13, 2023
Published inPush ProtocolEPNS and H2O Ally to Enable Seamless Communication for UsersEPNS and H2O collaborate to bring decentralized push notifications to the platform.Jun 6, 2022Jun 6, 2022
Published inPush ProtocolEPNS and Hermes DeFi Form An Alliance to Enable Seamless Communication for UsersEPNS and Hermes DeFi collaborate to bring decentralized push notifications to the DeFi on the Harmony blockchain.May 19, 2022May 19, 2022
Published inPush ProtocolEPNS and Genesis Shards Join Forces to Bring Push Notifications to UsersEPNS and Genesis Shards collaborate to bring decentralized push notifications to the platformMay 17, 2022May 17, 2022
Published inPush ProtocolEPNS team up with EthSign to deliver notifications for the next generation of E-Signing platforms.The current generation of E-signing platforms such as DocuSign, HelloSign, PandaDoc, etc. utilizes traditional Web2 technology to make…May 16, 2022May 16, 2022
Published inPush ProtocolEPNS and Azuro Announce a Pilot Collaboration to Bring Push Notifications to the Betting ProtocolAzuro and EPNS team up to bring decentralized push notifications for users of the platform.May 13, 2022May 13, 2022
Published inPush ProtocolEPNS Allies With NFT-TiX to Bring Push Notifications to the PlatformEPNS and NFT TiX strike a strategic alliance to bring decentralized push notifications for users.May 12, 2022May 12, 2022