Are there many scammers who know what Grabify is?

Jaff King
2 min readJan 6, 2023


This is an easy one

Scammers are constantly on the lookout for new ways to trick people into giving them what they want, whether it’s money, personal information, or access to sensitive data. With the proliferation of technology and the increasing reliance on the internet for communication and commerce, it’s no surprise that scammers have turned to the web as a prime hunting ground. One tool that has garnered some attention in recent years is Grabify, a service that allows users to create short links that can be used to track clicks on the link. But the question remains: are there many scammers out there who know about Grabify and are using it to their advantage?

On the surface, Grabify might seem like a useful tool for legitimate organizations and individuals looking to track the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns or analyze website traffic. However, it’s also easy to see how scammers could use the service to their advantage. By creating a Grabify link and disguising it as something innocent, such as a funny meme or a news article, they can lure unsuspecting individuals into clicking on it. Once the victim clicks on the link, the scammer can use it to install malware on their computer, steal personal information, or even hold their data hostage in exchange for a ransom.

So, it’s clear that Grabify can be a tool that scammers use to their advantage. But are there many of them out there who are aware of the service and actively using it to scam people? The answer is not so clear cut. While it’s certainly possible that some scammers are familiar with Grabify and are using it to their advantage, it’s also important to note that the service is used by many legitimate organizations and individuals for a variety of purposes. In fact, the majority of Grabify users are likely not trying to scam anyone at all.

it’s difficult to say for certain how many scammers are aware of and using Grabify. What is certain, however, is that it’s important to be cautious when clicking on any link, whether or not it was created with Grabify or another similar service. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to protecting your personal information and data.

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Jaff King

Meet Osamojie Jaff King, a certified public accountant with specialization in auditing and a track record of six in detecting scams and fraudulent activities.