5 Must Know Tricks to Unlock Android Phone Pattern Screen Lock

Jafar Sadhik
2 min readApr 26, 2018

How often have you miss-swiped the pattern lock on your cell phone? I have done it more often. It’s human tendency to forget things. So, it ain’t a blunder if you forget to put keys in your pocket after parking a car or you forget the screen lock pattern of your smartphone. In fact, I have forgot my mobile patterns and PINs numerous times. That’s the reason I have embedded my fingerprint detection :P.

Some people adapt this method. But, what if when you don’t have a smartphone with fingerprint sensor or you have not embedded fingerprint detection?

Then, you’ve got any chance to unlock it? To say frankly, yes, you have chance to unlock it. Alas! how’s that?

Well, let me take you through 5 important tricks on how to unlock Android phone pattern lock here.

Prime reason to come up with this topic is to answer the numerous queries and feedback I came across online. I happened to see more questions like “How to unlock Android phone pattern? I forgot my password, how can I get through pattern lock?”

If you’re one of them, chillax mates. Just go through these very simple and efficient tricks to unlock your Android phone pattern lock within few minutes.

You can see, all the tricks explained with example and screenshot help you easily understand and apply the steps without any heist.

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Jafar Sadhik

A creative and SEO savvy content writer. Blogger, Author, Storyteller, Link builder, Content Optimizer and an Executant.