Meditation Is a Journey, Not a Destination.

Jag Jassel
2 min readFeb 11, 2020


Today I fell asleep while meditating

This is the no.1 reason given by many for not continuing with meditation practice.

So if you are one of those who have just started this amazing and wonderful journey of meditation or have been doing it for a while but still:

  1. Can’t concentre
  2. Fall asleep
  3. Keep getting negative thoughts

This message is for you:

Let’s look at each of them one by one!

  1. Can’t concentre — This is a very common problem and here’s the reason.

During our waking hours, the only thing we have been doing is thinking. We think between 60,000–80,000 thoughts a day

On top of that, we have many stimulates…Facebook, Insta, TV, fast cars, people etc.

The moment you sit down to do mediation, the mind is still looking for the same stimulates…hence it’s very hard to concentrate.

I am going to give you the same advice what I was given during my early days…

Try Guided meditations…This will give your mind something to concentrate

  1. Fall asleep — when you get your mind in control (meaning, its concentrating on something, hence in control)

You are now relaxed

And since you were born, when you are relaxed the most…You are in a habit of falling asleep

So your body is doing exactly the same.

Suggestion: Meditate sitting up (lotus pose)

  1. Keep getting negative thoughts

This is very common and experienced by many that they start getting dark thoughts (disturbing thoughts) or negative thoughts during meditation…

Here’s my take on disturbing thoughts…

  1. What you resist persists — Accept every though “As-Is” — Don’t judge or try to deal with it. Accept it and they will pass on like positive thoughts!
  2. Some repressed emotions are coming up — Meditation can bring to the surface repressed emotional traumas that you may not be ready for…Follow Step 1
  3. Don’t try to fix or solve — Any thought which comes up, always come up with a chain of thoughts. Your job is NOT to get caught in these chain of thoughts by either try to solve them or fix them with new thoughts. Your only job is to observe them, acknowledge them and then let it go…

Hope this was helpful.

Always remember, meditation is a journey, NOT a destination.

Talk soon!



Jag Jassel

Jag is Australia’s #1 Fast Growth Expert and Professional Trainer. He is the Founder of Experts Business School