Creating Safe Spaces: The Importance of Allowing Men to Express Their Emotions

Joshua Agabu
2 min readFeb 17, 2023


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

At the end of every long day, after all the battles have been fought and won or lost, every man yearns for a place to hide. Somewhere he can retreat to, away from the prying eyes of the world, to nurse his wounds and heal his scars.

Deep down, every man craves a safe haven where he can be vulnerable, where he can lower his guard and let his guard down. A place where he can speak freely about the battles he fought, even the ones he knew he couldn’t win.

Most of all, every man desires a place where he can express his emotions without fear of judgment. A place where he can take off the armor of logic and embrace the nakedness of raw emotion without shame. But society often tells us that “men don’t cry” or that showing emotions is a sign of weakness. As a result, many men hide their feelings, even from themselves, and suffer in silence.

But the truth is that every man has a right to his emotions, just as much as any woman. We all have our battles to fight, our wounds to heal, and our scars to bear. And the more we can create safe spaces for men to express themselves, the more we can break down the walls of toxic masculinity and promote healthy emotional well-being for everyone.

So let us create those safe spaces, whether it be in our homes, our communities, or in the wider world. Let us give men the opportunity to be vulnerable, to express their emotions, and to heal their wounds in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. For in doing so, we can create a better world for all of us.

